Everyone in sales goes through difficult moments, even those who are very experienced and highly skilled.
The great news is that it's much easier to get out of the negative zone and back into the positive one if you use the right methods: 1.
Elevate Yourself One of the main problems of going through a bad period in sales is the change of mental state that occurs.
It doesn't matter how strong you are mentally, you will find it difficult to escape this drop in confidence.
Well, the only way out is to elevate your state of belief and get yourself back into the perfect frame of mind for selling.
You need to trick your subconscious mind into believing that things are going fantastically well, and the good news is that our brain is sufficiently stupid to accept it as the truth.
Take a sheet of paper and start writing a series of positive affirmations about your capabilities in selling.
Make sure they are always in the present! Do this for about 10 minutes, anything less will not be enough.
The positive affirmations will be translated into "truth" and "reality" by your subconscious and this should get you back on track in no time.
Get Yourself a Mentor I discovered this one in recent years because previously I had always thought that I could solve my own problems.
This is a common mistake among sales people who love to take responsibility on their own shoulders and just ride the storm alone.
Well I now realise that this is not really the smartest way of giving yourself a boost.
Find someone such as a motivational coach and listen to their audio or video training.
If you like this person and admire their approach, it cannot fail to influence your state.
Try this one because it really works.
I like Tony Robbins because he has energy levels that I could only dream of.
If I can take 20 per cent of his drive, it can carry me for the rest of the day.
Be Grateful For What you Already Have This is a problem that we all face in western civilisation today.
People have got so much they have forgotten what it was like for our ancestors.
If you sit in silence for a few minutes and think of how people in third world countries need to walk for miles to carry fresh water in heavy containers to keep their children alive.
Millions of people work for less than a dollar a day and they still manage to survive.
Then we look at our problems in selling.
Okay a few people told you to go away and stop annoying them.
This is nothing compared to the difficulties that others face in the world.
Get up off your chair, take some fresh air and go back to selling and enjoy it like it's a privilege.
The great news is that it's much easier to get out of the negative zone and back into the positive one if you use the right methods: 1.
Elevate Yourself One of the main problems of going through a bad period in sales is the change of mental state that occurs.
It doesn't matter how strong you are mentally, you will find it difficult to escape this drop in confidence.
Well, the only way out is to elevate your state of belief and get yourself back into the perfect frame of mind for selling.
You need to trick your subconscious mind into believing that things are going fantastically well, and the good news is that our brain is sufficiently stupid to accept it as the truth.
Take a sheet of paper and start writing a series of positive affirmations about your capabilities in selling.
Make sure they are always in the present! Do this for about 10 minutes, anything less will not be enough.
The positive affirmations will be translated into "truth" and "reality" by your subconscious and this should get you back on track in no time.
Get Yourself a Mentor I discovered this one in recent years because previously I had always thought that I could solve my own problems.
This is a common mistake among sales people who love to take responsibility on their own shoulders and just ride the storm alone.
Well I now realise that this is not really the smartest way of giving yourself a boost.
Find someone such as a motivational coach and listen to their audio or video training.
If you like this person and admire their approach, it cannot fail to influence your state.
Try this one because it really works.
I like Tony Robbins because he has energy levels that I could only dream of.
If I can take 20 per cent of his drive, it can carry me for the rest of the day.
Be Grateful For What you Already Have This is a problem that we all face in western civilisation today.
People have got so much they have forgotten what it was like for our ancestors.
If you sit in silence for a few minutes and think of how people in third world countries need to walk for miles to carry fresh water in heavy containers to keep their children alive.
Millions of people work for less than a dollar a day and they still manage to survive.
Then we look at our problems in selling.
Okay a few people told you to go away and stop annoying them.
This is nothing compared to the difficulties that others face in the world.
Get up off your chair, take some fresh air and go back to selling and enjoy it like it's a privilege.