Health & Medical Body building

Fitness - Spot Shaping For Women

Legging it up General: Strap the 5-pound ankle-weights around your ankles.
Start with one set to set of five reps, work up to 10, and finally to three sets of eight reps each.
Inner thigh Starting position: Lie on your back on a mat or towel.
Raise your legs together upwards towards the ceiling, your knees straight.
Keep your feet flat and parallel to the ceiling, heel to heel with toes pointing in opposite directions.
Motion: Open your legs as wide as you can, so that you form a wide 'V'.
Then, bring them back together heel to heel.
The entire motion of opening and closing is considered one rep.
Repeat as directed.
Front thigh Starting position: Sit on a high chair or table, legs hanging down together, knees slightly bent, back straight.
Motion: Extend your left leg front wards and out by straightening your knee so that your leg is almost parallel to the floor.
Hold for a few seconds and return to starting position.
Repeat as directed.
Now, extend your right leg in the same way.
Repeat as directed.
Outer thigh Starting position: Stand with feet slightly apart at about arm's length behind a chair.
Hold with both hands the back of the chair.
Motion: Keeping your back straight, extend your left leg backward without bending your knee - as far as, you can go.
Return to starting position.
Repeat as directed.
Now, extend your right leg...
Repeat as directed.
This exercise also shapes your bottoms and hips.
Back thigh Starting position: Once again, stand behind the chair, holding the back.
Tilt your body forward without bending at the waist.
Motion: Kick your left leg backward by bending your knee.
Now, kick with your right leg.
Repeat as directed.
Calf and ankle This exercise should be initially done without ankle-weights for the first two weeks.
Starting position: Stand on the balls of your feet on the edge of a step with your toes pointing slightly outwards.
Motion: Raise your body up on your toes, then slowly lower yourself down as far as possible.
Do it slowly and smoothly without bouncing.
Repeat as directed.
If your feet develop a cramp, stop immediately.
Continue only after the cramp has gone.
Waist not, want not Ah, this is where we come to those famous love handles at the side of the waist.
They are particularly visible if you wear short cholis or a fitting T-­shirt.
This exercise will do the whittling-off trick.
Don't wear your ankle weights for these exercises.
Pick up your 5-pound dumbbells - one in each hand.
If you are wary of corns appearing at the bottom of your fingers, wrap the rods of the dumbbells with Turkish cloth napkins.
General: Start with two sets of ten reps with each arm, You can work up even to ten sets of ten reps with each arm! The correct way to grasp the dumbbells are: The overhand grip: Keep your dumbbells on a table and place your palms over the rods.
Curl your fingers downwards and around to grip them.
The underhand grip.
Keep your dumbbells on a table and place your palms under the rods.
Curl your fingers upwards and around to grip them.
With weights in both hands Starting position: Hold dumbbells in overhand grip.
Stand with your feet apart and back straight.
Your arms should hang straight down at your sides.
Motion: Lean to the left side from your waist as far as you can go.
Don't swing your hips.
Then, learn to the right side from your waist as far as you can go.
The entire motion of leaning to the left, then to the right, is one rep.
Repeat as directed.
With weight in one hand Starting position: Grasp your dumbbell in your left hand.
Your right hand should be empty.
Stand with your feet apart back straight.
Let your arms hang down straight at your sides.
Motion: Lean to the left side from your waist as far as you can go.
Return to starting position, Repeat as directed.
Now, grasp your dumbbell in your right hand.
Keep your left hand empty.
Lean sideways to the right from your waist as far as you can go.
Return to starting position.
Repeat as directed.
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