Real estate as we know involves landed properties.
The business may include the buying and selling of lands and buildings, the leasing of lands and buildings for residential and/or commercial purposes.
Most real estate professionals make money from the sales or from the rentals.
The purpose of this article is to show you and bring to your understanding how the internet can serve the purpose of a real estate business.
They both have some common underlying principles.
The internet is a world of its own and like our world space (like lands) in form of websites could be sold or leased out for personal or commercial use.
For example, I could host a website for my personal hobby or host a website for my business.
Either way, I will be paying a fee to the hosting agent (like the landlord).
You maybe asking now, how then do I make money as if it's the real estate business? It is simple, you can host your own website, build it and create a niche for it and allow people to use it for their businesses.
It's like buying a land, building a shopping mall on it and allowing people to rent it for their businesses.
People will pay you for the space they are occupying in their websites or even a blog.
For you to achieve this, you must first make sure your website has good Google and other search engines ranking and it's quite popular with quality information and content.
It should also have good Alexa traffic ranking.
Other businesses will pay you to occupy a space in your website or blog if it is highly ranked.
More articles on how to create highly ranked and quality content pages in my blog.
In the physical real estate business, buildings can be developed and sold for profits; the same goes with the internet real estate business.
You can buy a domain name, build it and sell it.
For you to sell a website the above conditions must be met and even more conditions will be required.
You may want to do a research on how and why Google bought You Tube and waned to buy Face Book from Mark Zuckerberg for about $15,000,000.
These sites offer almost 100% free services and yet they are been sold for Billions of dollars, why? And you will be shocked at what you may discover but the good news is, you and I can also develop such sites and sell them over.
First, we need to know that it is possible to do it and every other thing will follow.
This is the purpose of this article; to let you know that it is possible and show you some basic ways you can venture into it.
There are smaller ways to start this kind of business and grow into a bigger one in the future.
From experience, I would advice you start by researching more on this article's topic to get more information.
Other steps you may want to consider would be to choose your hosting agent, choose the kind of business you want to build, write your content, market your domain, et cetera.
This may sound too rigorous for people who know nothing about the internet so I recommend starting out with a blog.
You can be very successful in internet real estate as I have described above through a blog as well.
A blog is like an online diary or online journal where you write almost on a daily basis like I do at my blog.
You blog what you know and love to talk about.
Personally I love blogging because it gives me opportunities to talk about what I love, what I have knowledge and experience in and also helps me to mentor others.
Nobody make a daily or weekly post in a website but every blogger does that.
This is why almost every good site has a blog link attached.
You can even use your blog to create publicity for your website.
To get started with blogging, first you need to have an account with any of the blog hosting sites like blogger, hubpages, typepad, et cetera.
I use blogger and to use them, simply go their website at http://www.
com and create a new blog.
The site is interactive and simple to use.
But before you jump there, make sure you have written some good contents for you initial posts, have your blog URL and title ready as well.
One way you could also make money from a blog is joining affiliate programs and putting their referral links in your blog or allowing advertising agents use some space on your blog like Google AdSense and many others.
Learn more about blogging and other money making opportunities in my blog.
The business may include the buying and selling of lands and buildings, the leasing of lands and buildings for residential and/or commercial purposes.
Most real estate professionals make money from the sales or from the rentals.
The purpose of this article is to show you and bring to your understanding how the internet can serve the purpose of a real estate business.
They both have some common underlying principles.
The internet is a world of its own and like our world space (like lands) in form of websites could be sold or leased out for personal or commercial use.
For example, I could host a website for my personal hobby or host a website for my business.
Either way, I will be paying a fee to the hosting agent (like the landlord).
You maybe asking now, how then do I make money as if it's the real estate business? It is simple, you can host your own website, build it and create a niche for it and allow people to use it for their businesses.
It's like buying a land, building a shopping mall on it and allowing people to rent it for their businesses.
People will pay you for the space they are occupying in their websites or even a blog.
For you to achieve this, you must first make sure your website has good Google and other search engines ranking and it's quite popular with quality information and content.
It should also have good Alexa traffic ranking.
Other businesses will pay you to occupy a space in your website or blog if it is highly ranked.
More articles on how to create highly ranked and quality content pages in my blog.
In the physical real estate business, buildings can be developed and sold for profits; the same goes with the internet real estate business.
You can buy a domain name, build it and sell it.
For you to sell a website the above conditions must be met and even more conditions will be required.
You may want to do a research on how and why Google bought You Tube and waned to buy Face Book from Mark Zuckerberg for about $15,000,000.
These sites offer almost 100% free services and yet they are been sold for Billions of dollars, why? And you will be shocked at what you may discover but the good news is, you and I can also develop such sites and sell them over.
First, we need to know that it is possible to do it and every other thing will follow.
This is the purpose of this article; to let you know that it is possible and show you some basic ways you can venture into it.
There are smaller ways to start this kind of business and grow into a bigger one in the future.
From experience, I would advice you start by researching more on this article's topic to get more information.
Other steps you may want to consider would be to choose your hosting agent, choose the kind of business you want to build, write your content, market your domain, et cetera.
This may sound too rigorous for people who know nothing about the internet so I recommend starting out with a blog.
You can be very successful in internet real estate as I have described above through a blog as well.
A blog is like an online diary or online journal where you write almost on a daily basis like I do at my blog.
You blog what you know and love to talk about.
Personally I love blogging because it gives me opportunities to talk about what I love, what I have knowledge and experience in and also helps me to mentor others.
Nobody make a daily or weekly post in a website but every blogger does that.
This is why almost every good site has a blog link attached.
You can even use your blog to create publicity for your website.
To get started with blogging, first you need to have an account with any of the blog hosting sites like blogger, hubpages, typepad, et cetera.
I use blogger and to use them, simply go their website at http://www.
com and create a new blog.
The site is interactive and simple to use.
But before you jump there, make sure you have written some good contents for you initial posts, have your blog URL and title ready as well.
One way you could also make money from a blog is joining affiliate programs and putting their referral links in your blog or allowing advertising agents use some space on your blog like Google AdSense and many others.
Learn more about blogging and other money making opportunities in my blog.