- 1). Locate a few pawn shops in your area.
- 2). Take your jewelry to one of the pawn shops and tell the pawnbroker how much you're hoping to get. He'll evaluate your necklace and weigh the gold and diamonds to determine the value.
- 3). Haggle with the pawnbroker when he makes you an offer. Pawn shops are all about making profit, so the broker will try to pay you as little as possible. Don't take his first offer.
- 4). Take your jewelry to a second and third pawn shop and see what the brokers there are willing to pay. Go with the highest offer.
- 1). Take a picture of your necklace with a high-resolution digital camera.
- 2). Access a website on which you can sell merchandise, such as Ebay, Amazon or Craigslist.
- 3). Post an advertisement, including the picture you took, a description of your necklace, your asking price and contact information. If you're using an auction site, you'll also need to set a period of time for bidding to take place.
- 1). Contact your local newspaper and request to put an advertisement in an upcoming issue.
- 2). Send the paper a description of your necklace, your asking price and your contact information.
- 3). Pay the necessary fee to have your advertisement run. Wait for interested people to contact you. Chances are they'll try to haggle, so keep that in mind and decide ahead of time how low you're willing to go with the price.
- 1). Locate a consignment store in your area. There are some stores that focus only on consignment (see Resources). Also call around to local jewelers, and see if they'd be willing to help you sell something through consignment. The way consignment works is that they use their shop and popularity to sell your item for you. In return, you give them a portion of the proceeds.
- 2). Choose the store you want to use to sell your necklaces.
- 3). Agree on both a selling price and a consignment percentage, which is the portion of the sale that the shop gets to keep. Make sure you get everything in writing, including the sale price, a consignment percentage, detailed descriptions of your items, the length of the sale and your personal information.
- 1). Choose a company that buys gold based on quality and weight. Some popular choices are US Gold Buyers and Empire Gold Buyers.
- 2). Request an information packet. This can be done through each company's website. When you receive the packet, it will include full information on how to send in your gold jewelry, along with an envelope and mailing address.
- 3). Send in your jewelry to have it appraised by the company. They'll inspect your gold to determine the quality, weigh it and send you a check in the mail for the appropriate amount. Keep in mind that they only pay for the gold, and not the diamonds. You can remove the diamonds before sending and attempt to sell them separately.
Pawn Shop
Consignment Store
Gold Buyers