Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Tips For Low Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Most of us realize by now that the old adage regarding diet during pregnancy, "I'm eating for two!" isn't really valid.
Case in point: Jessica Simpson, who gained way too much weight over the nine months she was pregnant with daughter Maxwell largely due to the fact that she regularly indulged her craving for macaroni and cheese.
Now she's finding out how difficult it is to lose all those extra pounds.
Of course, you need to gain weight in order to ensure the health of your developing baby.
But how much is too much? And how can you walk that fine line in between two extremes? Weight Gain During Pregnancy For most women of normal weight, putting on 25 to 35 pounds is healthy.
That's not too much to worry about never losing after your bundle of joy is born but not too little that the growing baby will suffer nutritionally.
However, it's easy to gain far more than that, especially if your cravings run to sugary treats and fatty, high carbohydrate foods.
Those tend to create a spike in blood sugar, and your body responds by wanting more to eat.
Dietary Considerations Although we may all be tempted to make a run through the fast food drive-in to satisfy a craving, pregnant women - especially those who rapidly gain too much weight - are better served by avoiding processed foods.
The amount of salt and fat and sugar found in prepared and packaged foods is very unhealthy and those empty calories aren't beneficial for baby, either.
A recent study determined that low glycemic foods are best at squelching overeating that stems from blood sugar spikes.
In a report published in the British Medical Journal, expectant moms who stuck to a low glycemic index diet gained, on average, 27 pounds during their pregnancy, as opposed to 30 pounds in those who stuck with their normal diet (while those numbers aren't amazing, they show a trend in the right direction).
Usually, 48 percent of women gain more weight than their doctors recommend.
By sticking to low glycemic foods, the percentage of women who gained more than recommended was only 38 percent.
High glycemic index foods include starchy white rice, potatoes, white flour and sugar in any form.
Healthier options are lean meats, whole grains and vegetables.
Weight Problems Those women who gain more than the 35 pound recommended limit are subject to a number of problems during pregnancy.
Excessive weight gain has been linked to Caesarian section births and heavier children.
The risk of diabetes for both mom and child is also increased.
And, of course, it's difficult to lose all those extra pounds after birth.
If weight gain is a concern for you, try opting for a low glycemic index diet.
You may also want to wear revolutionary new support undergarments that help keep your body balanced and promote overall good health.
The better you feel mentally and physically, the more apt you are to exercise rather than overeat.
In particular, maternity bodysuits that promote proper posture provide an automatic way to feel balanced, focused, and healthy in mind and body throughout pregnancy.
There's no need to gain excessive weight during pregnancy and it could actually be detrimental to you and your baby's health.
Try opting for a low glycemic index diet and don't forget to wear supportive undergarments every day to stay balanced and healthy.
It's much easier to gain less weight now rather than lose it later!
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