I began thinking about our censored news.
I have known about the censoring for many years.
I also know we are told whatever the present (or past) administration wishes to inform us.
Many times the 'information' is not quite accurate (the wmd in Iraq is a good example).
Divide and conquer, keep the masses at odds among themselves, instill fear every so often, and we can do whatever we want seems to be the current administration's policy.
Not only is television news censored, but the radio is also getting that way.
It seems almost everytalk show on a liberal station is being dropped because the station is being bought or absorbed into the conservative holdings.
One station I can think of has ten hours of conservative spin on news and one hour of 'liberal' views.
Speaking of a 'liberal',the definition is a person who favors the protection of civil liberties.
So why has the word liberal become a 'dirty word'? Why all the hatred aimed at anyone who is a liberal? How come a pedophile is accepted but a liberal is vilified? (Mark Foley is one example) Because of the internet, many people are finding out the truth of events and not watching or listening to the spin being put out.
The question then came to mind, so what can I, as an individual, do about spin being put on news.
This is what I decided.
I will watch and listen to the current stations.
I will also write down every single sponsor of these shows.
I am going to write to each sponsor and inform them I will never again buy any of their products because they choose to sponsor a show that totally misinforms the public.
If this is their philosophy, then their products must also be misinforming the public.
If a show wishes to air the vitriolic spew of a person such as Ann Coulter, or Rush Limbaugh, then the sponsors of that show must be as mean spirited as the people they allow to air such hatefulness.
If that is the case, I certainly will not purchase any of their products, because doing so will enable them to continue to sponsor such vile rhetoric.
I have known about the censoring for many years.
I also know we are told whatever the present (or past) administration wishes to inform us.
Many times the 'information' is not quite accurate (the wmd in Iraq is a good example).
Divide and conquer, keep the masses at odds among themselves, instill fear every so often, and we can do whatever we want seems to be the current administration's policy.
Not only is television news censored, but the radio is also getting that way.
It seems almost everytalk show on a liberal station is being dropped because the station is being bought or absorbed into the conservative holdings.
One station I can think of has ten hours of conservative spin on news and one hour of 'liberal' views.
Speaking of a 'liberal',the definition is a person who favors the protection of civil liberties.
So why has the word liberal become a 'dirty word'? Why all the hatred aimed at anyone who is a liberal? How come a pedophile is accepted but a liberal is vilified? (Mark Foley is one example) Because of the internet, many people are finding out the truth of events and not watching or listening to the spin being put out.
The question then came to mind, so what can I, as an individual, do about spin being put on news.
This is what I decided.
I will watch and listen to the current stations.
I will also write down every single sponsor of these shows.
I am going to write to each sponsor and inform them I will never again buy any of their products because they choose to sponsor a show that totally misinforms the public.
If this is their philosophy, then their products must also be misinforming the public.
If a show wishes to air the vitriolic spew of a person such as Ann Coulter, or Rush Limbaugh, then the sponsors of that show must be as mean spirited as the people they allow to air such hatefulness.
If that is the case, I certainly will not purchase any of their products, because doing so will enable them to continue to sponsor such vile rhetoric.