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Fencing Styles Can Make Or Break The Look Of The Home

It is a curious thing but those of us who are lucky enough to own a house always want to show where the boundaries are.
We may put a flower border in, or a hedge, or some kind of physical barrier to show that this land belongs to us.
There are many screens or enclosures to choose from but most fall into one or two categories.
That is, either man made or natural.
To see what is available locally, try searching for 'vinyl fencing' or 'vinyl fence' on the internet and see what comes up.
Although most people these days would go for the wooden variety, they do have some disadvantages that should be considered, particularly if the person owning the property is busy or unable to do a lot of maintenance.
Wood needs to be treated once or twice a year to ward off termites and other creatures looking for a free meal.
Wood also needs to be protected from the elements and this will require varnishing at least once a year.
The weather takes its toll on wood so unless it has this barrier it will begin to deteriorate quite quickly for sure.
Plastic, on the other hand, rarely needs any maintenance at all.
Although it can withstand the vagaries of the weather, if the quality is not that good it will break down over time.
The more expensive varieties, which tend to be thicker, will withstand just about anything that is thrown at it and it just needs the occasional wash down with a hose pipe to keep it looking pristine.
Metal varieties, or chain link as they are better known, do keep out intruders, but these do tend to break down over time with rust being the biggest culprit.
They do not look as good as plastic or wood either and some say that they make the yard look like something out of a prison! Once the materials have been chosen, the next thing to do is check whether this is allowed in the local by laws.
Some counties and states do not allow barriers over a certain height for example and this could prove to be a costly mistake if high barriers are chosen and then have to be taken down later on.
Also, many communities like to keep an overall theme going so that the houses have some kind of ordered look to them.
This will add value in the future so it is wise not to look upon this like people are dictating the rules and regulations.
The lower barriers which just demarcate the edges of a property do have a kind of cottage feel to them and people tend to look at these as a nostalgic reminder of days gone by.
This is great for those who are coming in to buy and, along with the ubiquitous smell of coffee and cookies when they enter the house, may be enough to sell the place right there on the spot, particularly if they have a young family in tow.
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