Pets & Animal Horses

How to Train a Horse for Halter Shows

    • 1). Attend a few shows for your chosen breed to get a feel for what is awarded in the halter ring. Attending shows as a spectator will also give you a chance to see what type of tack is being used, and how the horses are expected to set up for judging. Each breed is set up a bit differently; standardbreds and Arabians are expected to stretch out to be judged, while quarter horses and paints are expected to stand with their feet square.

    • 2). Walk your horse on the lead line and make sure he follows you in a straight line. Your horse should follow closely behind you without crowding you or getting ahead of you. If the horse begins to crowd you, stop him and ask him to back up; then start again.

    • 3). Ask a friend to walk beside your horse on the right-hand side to keep the horse straight as you move down the center of the arena. Some horses have a tendency to weave back and forth as they move, and this will interfere with the judge's ability to gauge the horse's movement.

    • 4). Practice stopping your horse at various places throughout the arena. The horse should stop instantly when asked and stand quietly. Continue to practice moving and stopping until you get a clean stop and a horse that is willing to stand.

    • 5). Position your horse's feet so that he is standing according to the standards of his breed. For a quarter horse the feet should be even and square. Pick up any foot that is not positioned correctly and place it in the proper spot. As you progress, tap the horse's foot with a longe whip to move it. If he does not respond, physically set the foot. After several weeks of practice the horse should move his foot at the tap of the whip.

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