Horse racing has since long been associated with victory! Whether it"s the stories of kings and princes we"ve read as kids or the historical films we"ve seen, an element common to all has been race horses. They"ve always played a consequential part in conquering over the enemy"s ranks and destroying the evil and hence, always signify victory. It gives people immense pride to own race horses and is often the secret dream of many. It"s time you wake up to your dreams and actually look for thoroughbred horses for sale.
Horse racing has been since forever regarded as the "sport of kings" because of the grandeur, charm and excitement associated with it. There"s a lot of money involved on the part of the racehorse owner because buying, training and giving timely medical aid to the horses costs a lot of money. It"s an activity that cannot be taken by the ordinary middle class and hence, is the sport of kings! Usual buying, training, and hiring a veterinarian to take care of australian thoroughbred race horses can cost as much as $30,000 per year!
Looking for a thoroughbred for sale can be a difficult task for you if you"re not experienced in the racing circuit. You might get duped in the process and instead of thoroughbreds, might get hold of an ailing and old horse! Following some simple tips, you can ensure that you strike the right deal ""
"Take an expert with you: We all have a friend or colleague who takes avid interest in horse racing. Such people might be a good company to take along when you"re going to buy. They can examine the horse to see if it is a genuine thoroughbred.
"Take a vet: Taking along a veterinarian to get the horse tested is a good idea. It might be a bit harsh to the seller to see you doubt him but it"s better to clear all doubts than to buy something which you"ll repent about! A vet can test the race horse then and there and let you know if it"s in a good condition.
"Consult a dealer: If you"ve a colleague or friend who knows of race horses for sale Australia dealer, you could consult them and ask them about the on-going rates of various kinds of horses. This will help you negotiate and arrive at a good price.
Things you will need in future:
"A trainer: A trainer designs the training pattern and nutritional intake of thoroughbreds. They come on a daily basis to train them.
"Jockey: Though racehorses do most of the task, their potential can be harnessed best by experienced jockeys. Experienced jockeys can give an edge to your thoroughbred"s performance.
Horse racing has been since forever regarded as the "sport of kings" because of the grandeur, charm and excitement associated with it. There"s a lot of money involved on the part of the racehorse owner because buying, training and giving timely medical aid to the horses costs a lot of money. It"s an activity that cannot be taken by the ordinary middle class and hence, is the sport of kings! Usual buying, training, and hiring a veterinarian to take care of australian thoroughbred race horses can cost as much as $30,000 per year!
Looking for a thoroughbred for sale can be a difficult task for you if you"re not experienced in the racing circuit. You might get duped in the process and instead of thoroughbreds, might get hold of an ailing and old horse! Following some simple tips, you can ensure that you strike the right deal ""
"Take an expert with you: We all have a friend or colleague who takes avid interest in horse racing. Such people might be a good company to take along when you"re going to buy. They can examine the horse to see if it is a genuine thoroughbred.
"Take a vet: Taking along a veterinarian to get the horse tested is a good idea. It might be a bit harsh to the seller to see you doubt him but it"s better to clear all doubts than to buy something which you"ll repent about! A vet can test the race horse then and there and let you know if it"s in a good condition.
"Consult a dealer: If you"ve a colleague or friend who knows of race horses for sale Australia dealer, you could consult them and ask them about the on-going rates of various kinds of horses. This will help you negotiate and arrive at a good price.
Things you will need in future:
"A trainer: A trainer designs the training pattern and nutritional intake of thoroughbreds. They come on a daily basis to train them.
"Jockey: Though racehorses do most of the task, their potential can be harnessed best by experienced jockeys. Experienced jockeys can give an edge to your thoroughbred"s performance.