Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Hemorrhoids and Fissures are Caused by Weak Anal Walls

The area near the anus bears itching that is caused by bowel movement which may be hard and therefore putting extra pressure on the walls of the anus. The pressure makes the wall fragile and this leads to small projection or a tear and is called Hemorrhoids and anal fissures [] but it needs to be taken extra care of as this makes you loose blood. The crack in the skin starts from the mouth of the anus which releases the stool with the muscle movements. The small muscle projection also is formed when extra push is given for excretion. The nature makes sure the weakest part receives these modifications first.

There are natural and more advanced treatments for Hemorrhoids and Fissures and they need to be taken up loosing as less time as possible. The Hemorrhoid is a lump that protrudes from the anus and you can feel it. It is painless but has to be treated or else may lead to any cancerous growth. The bleeding is seen on the tissue paper or on the stool surface. The hemorrhoids can begin in an early age as these results mostly from unhealthy and unplanned diet which is more prevalent in the early stage of life. Most of the people around have Hemorrhoids and fissures in some degree and need to find the best way to treat them.

The Hemorrhoids and Fissures are more of a same kind and is caused by almost same type of physical and behavioral changes. The veins are weak in the anal area due to the hard and dry stool that you pass. There is other form of behavior that helps to increase pressure in the abdominal area. They can be delivery and lack of proper post delivery measures, prolonged vomiting or coughing, manual labor that puts extra pressure in the anal walls. The fooding, that mostly consists of excess oil and spices and is low in fiber and rich in carbohydrate, leads to the drying up of the feces and hence the muscles are overworked to release of bowels.

The Hemorrhoids and Fissures need proper treatments and for that we need to look at home remedies first. The change of diet and more liquids in form of water or real fruit juices can give respite. The changing of position to squatting, more physical activities and other cleansing therapies for the large intestines by intake of oral medicines or laxatives or bowel softeners can help. The fissures and hemorrhoids needs to be taken seriously and proper medication and treatments started at the very onset of such physical alarms.
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