Pets & Animal Pets Birds

Proper Care For Your Feathered Pets

A bird's cage is his castle, and to have a happy and healthy bird, it should be treated as such.
Birds are very vulnerable to diseases and it can never be stressed enough to maintain a clean environment for them.
You must clean your bird's cage frequently.
There are many items on the market now days to help you with this, and are also much safer for your pet, than what your usual household cleaning agents are.
There are dips, sprays, sprit's, and wipes which you will find very easy to use and that work well.
The greatest things to remember is to clean the bottom of the cage, the water container, and the food container daily.
Birds don't have a designated toilet area; they tend to do their business whenever and wherever, at any given moment, including in flight as many people have more than likely already experienced this by just taking a walk outside.
The reason for cleaning the water dish and feeding dish each day is that droppings the birds may have left on the dishes can be very hazardous for their wellness.
Birds need fresh water at all times to sustain life.
Birds do not sweat, therefore water is not only used for hydration and to carry nutrients to the bloodstream, but also to help them with regulation of their body temperature.
Fresh clean food is a must daily as well.
Birds tend to eat quite a lot during the course of the day, in a lot of cases, as much as if not more than their own body weight.
Remember that the next time you hear someone say he/she eats like a bird.
They also need more than just seeds in their diets.
Seeds are good and even filling, but they lack a lot of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that birds need to thrive.
They also require fruits, vegetables, and nuts to help them stay healthy.
Another great importance of the avian diet is the omega-3 fatty acids.
These are vital and necessary for your bird to maintain healthy skin, plumage, and the functioning of many body systems.
Even more so in the female birds, for proper egg growth and size.
Now let's talk toys.
Yes, birds love toys! They enjoy being entertained and stimulated by activity.
Bird toys range in numerous types and sizes depending on the type and size of the bird.
I personally found that cockatiels greatly enjoy mirrors, with sliding beads on the front.
They also enjoy colorful hanging rings that tend to clack together when they peck or push on them.
Mine like to sing songs while playing with these items.
There are also many types of colorful wooden blocks and beads on rope strings, which are good for pecking on and exercise.
A good lot of them are even flavored now for greater enjoyment.
There are ladders, swings, bells, and pushbutton sound devices to keep your feathered friends entertained for hours during the course of the day.
I have also noticed that keeping extra toys on hand and alternating them monthly, keeps my birds happy and less apt to get bored.
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