Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Questions About Your Pregnancy Answered

The following are several commonly asked questions by many women who have just learned that they've become pregnant.
This article attempts to address those issues which you might be wondering about or have just come to experience during your maternity.
Is Sex Safe During Pregnancy? Although this question has been asked so many times before, and has also been answered several thousand times, there is no harm in mentioning it again.
Some women feel extremely unattractive due to their size during maternity and it is no wonder they have no mood for sex during this stage of their lives.
However, there are other women who find maternity a very highly sensual and exciting time when it comes to sex.
This is due to the fact that their hormones are ranging uncontrollably as their body goes through many "massive" changes.
In general, sex during pregnancy is completely safe and it will not harm your unborn baby.
The uterus of a woman becomes additionally protected during maternity and it keeps your baby safe from any harm.
However, for some pregnancies one might need to alter her normal position or even refrain from having sex altogether.
Please check with your doctor in order to find out which is the recommended course of action for your pregnancy.
Increased Flatulence Some women experience constipation and this is quite common amongst ladies going through pregnancy.
Although it is embarrassing to belch or pass gas, it is sometimes uncontrollable as you might already have realized.
You could have accidentally let one rip whilst laughing hard, or burped as loud as a man after a full meal.
The reason for this increased build-up of gas, is that the hormone called "Progesterone" slows down bowel and tummy movements.
And obviously, when the build up creases so often, so will your need to release it (from either end).
If you find that you can't deal with the embarrassment of gas release, the only thing you can try doing is eating smaller meals, more often during the day.
This should help to reduce the amount of gas produced compared to eating a very full meal.
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