Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

BarlowGirl Interview

Do you have any really off of the wall things that fans have done?
Lauren - (laughs) There have been lots of marriage proposals. It's really funny. I think that because we are girls, that guys think ... we just get a lot of marriage proposals. (laughs) I've gotten some rings with the note that says, "Will you marry me?" with their number on it. They make signs that say, "Will you marry me?". Cute stuff.

It's so funny. They make shirts and all of that stuff. So mostly the whole marriage thing, we get a lot.

How do you find time to stay in touch with God and stay grounded when you're on the road? Do ya'll do Bible studies?

Lauren - Yes. I think the coolest thing is that before we even got signed, as a family, we would take prayer time every single day for a couple of hours. And we'd listen to teaching tapes and we'd take our worship time. God even took it further and we were actually having church at home. We didn't know why God removed us from our church and had us doing church at home, but finding out now, it's because we're never home on Sunday. We're not home to go to church. God was preparing the way before we even knew what was going on. We have to worship every single day. We can't go on a day without that. We are covered by a church though. It's not like we're out here on our own. There is a church back home in Elgin, in the Chicago area, that is our covering. We each have prayer partners that we can call anytime.

They're always covering us, always praying for us just so we do have that head pastoral covering over us, but we are, I guess, a little church on our own.

That is just awesome. My band does a lot of our own studies. Right now we're studying Joyce Meyer's "How to Hear From God".

Lauren - Oh my gosh! She is our favorite speaker ... ever! I love her so much. We've done all of her stuff. She is just so amazing. I think we listen to one of her tapes every single day. She is just so good.

At this point Lauren gave the phone to Alyssa

Hi Alyssa. How are you?

Alyssa - I'm great!

I'll start by asking you the same thing I asked Lauren. It's almost been a year since your first single came out. If you could pick one word to describe the past year, what would it be?

Alyssa - Uhmmm ... oh wow ... that's a hard one. It's been definitely been unexpected. For us, it was just something where God was going, "OK girls, I have something for you, so follow Me here and follow Me here". Then there was the whole getting signed thing. We were like "OK, this is funny. All right, we're going to get signed with a record label. What's next?" Then the journey was just totally unexpected. It was like "OK Lord, you're serious about this. What's next?" It's been fun, but seriously unexpected.

Lauren and I were talking about Bible study. What are ya'll studying now?

Alyssa - Actually we're just studying the book of Joel as a family. The importance of being a part of God's army and being on His team. Kind of incorporating a lot with Isaiah 61, just the calling on our lives to open blind eyes and to bring God's presence forth into the dark world. My mom and dad are very warrior-minded so it's cool. They always have very cool Bible studies with us. They're like "OK girls, we're in a battle and this is who our God is". Just the seriousness of the spiritual life and everything. It's been good.

That's cool. I understand that you study a lot of Joyce Meyer.

Alyssa - I love her teachings. She's so wise when it comes to Scripture. I just love hearing her insight and the depth that she studies. You know, things that I would have never even thought of ... it's just amazing.

How do you girls mix music and ministry?

Alyssa - I think what God has done in our hearts from the beginning was to raise us up to be ministers first and foremost. He didn't say "Girls, you're going to be in a band". He said "Girls, you are my ministers. You are my leaders. You are my teachers". And he trained us in that first. He trained us how to be teachers and how to minister to people, and then on the side, we had done the music thing. It was part of our family. We grew up doing music. He brought it together, kind of at the last minute, and said "Now you're going to use music as the tool to get the ministry out there." It was a cool twist. It's awesome that we get to be in a rock band! We get to enjoy it and have fun, but at the same time, we know that we are ministers first. We are using this music as a teaching tool in a way. Through this song, is how I'm going to get this point across. It's been a really cool journey with Him and how He did that.
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