- 1). Place the adjustable jack directly in the middle of the bike, below the 2 inch metal plate that is used to lift up the bike. Put the kickstand down for balance, and slowly push the bike up to a safe level -- roughly 6 to 12 inches off of the ground.
- 2). Take the adjustable ratchet and remove the four bolts holding the top front and bottom half of the motorcycle assembly in place. Remove the FT500 Ascot assembly and place aside along with bolts.
- 3). Find the fork seals directly underneath the top of the front apparatus you have just removed. These seals will have flathead screws holding them in place -- remove these two screws and pop the seal off with the edge of your flathead screwdriver. Replace the used seals with the new ones and screw them in place.
- 4). Put together the front assembly and make sure to tighten the bolts on firmly. Lower the motorcycle to the ground slowly.