Video Transcript
Hi, I'm Danielle Cavalear, professional makeup expert. And today, I'm going to show you some eyebrow techniques. Now, as you can see on our model, I've started with a neutral eyeshadow on the top and the bottom of the lid. Now, basically, the eyebrow is what shapes and frames the eye. So, it's very important that the eyebrow is shaped correctly around the eye. You're going to want it to start right about here, and you're going to want it to end here. And, what I'm going to do is, I'm going to add a brown shadow, and I'm just going to accent the brow. Try to keep it right in the brow line, you don't want it to go anywhere else. And, extend it all the way to the end here. As you can see how nicely her brow is framing her eye. Same thing with the other eye, you're going to want to add probably about one to two shades darker than your natural eyebrow color. And, just do light, gentle strokes. You can't do this in a hurry, you want to make sure you keep the shadow inside the brow line. And, there you go. That is how to apply makeup to the eyebrow. I'm Danielle Cavalear, professional makeup expert.