- 1). Locate the area on the car panel affected with rust. Use the sandpaper and white spirit to remove the rust by rubbing it. White spirit is a cleaning liquid solvent primarily used to remove stains, rust and dirt from objects such as cars and brick.
- 2). Use the wire brush to scrape away any rust still on the panel.
- 3). Put some rust solvent on another piece of sandpaper and gently wipe the area where the rust was. This will get rid of any micro bits of rust left.
- 4). Put tape around the area where the rust was and then spread an even amount of epoxy body filler over the area. Allow it to dry for a few hours. The filler will cover any scratches or small holes that the rust caused and the tape will protect your car from paint. Sand to smooth surface.
- 5). Cover the area of the panel with primer. When dry, paint the area of the car panel which was affected with a paint matching the car, using the tape as a boundary. Allow the first coat to dry and then apply a second.
- 6). After the second coat is dry, polish and wax the area to finish off your repaired car panel.