- 1). Patrol your house for milkweed bugs. They're brightly colored and easy to spot. They are typically found around water sources or milkweed plants on display on your home. Pick the bugs up by hand and deposit them on outdoor plants, vacuum them up or drop them in a container of soapy water to kill them. Don't squish them. Their red shells may stain. There is no need to use chemical control.
- 2). Inspect any milkweed (or any other) plants for bugs before you bring them in the house. Red nymphs often hide in nooks and crannies, so look carefully. Pick milkweed bugs off and deposit them in the garden or in a container of soapy water.
- 3). Keep milkweed bugs from crawling in on their own. Check all doorways and windows to make sure that all possible points of entry are sealed and repaired.
- 4). Mow, spray or dig any unwanted milkweed plants around your property. Once the milkweed is gone, the bugs will go, too.