Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

Is Your Soul Healthy?

His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness… For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. (2 Peter 1: 3 - 8)
When I first became a believer, I was like the woman with the alabaster jar (Matt 26: 7). I loved much because I had been forgiven much. But as the years slipped by something happened in my life that happens to many believers: my gratefulness towards God's mercy transformed into frustration at my lingering sinful nature.
It's easy to beat yourself up, even run from God, when sin gets out of control. In the throws of frustration and shame, I have begged God to cleanse me of my vices. Of course, God didn't instantly heal me with a lightning bolt of grace but answered me with a different kind of grace -- practical wisdom. The answer to my prayer came in the form of a Sunday school lesson on "holy habits," more traditionally known as virtues.
Exercise for the soul
Practicing virtue is a lot like lifting weights - it's exercise that builds health in your soul. There are many virtues, but as we learned in class that day, the foundation of all virtues can be found in the four natural virtues or cardinal virtues. These were first articulated by Plato but hardly belong to Plato. They are part of what theologians call "natural law" - God's design for humanity woven into our beings since the beginning of creation. When a person cultivates these virtues in his or her life, they are cooperating with the Creator's design for the human soul.
It's important to note here that pursuing a virtuous life is not the same as trying to earn your way to heaven. Our salvation is a gift that flows only from God's grace. While we can't earn heaven, we can show gratitude to God by making godly choices that allow our lives to reflect the image of God with greater clarity. So let's take a closer look at each cardinal virtue:
1. Wisdom: For wisdom is better than jewels, and all that you may desire cannot compare with her. (Prov. 8: 11). You've probably known people with book smarts who lack common sense. Or perhaps you know someone with street smarts who lacks knowledge. A person who has cultivated the virtue of wisdom can not only discern truth but has the ability to implement their insights appropriately in any given situation. According to scripture, characteristics of wise people include those who prepare properly for hard times (Prov. 21: 20), those who humbly heed instruction and correction (Prov. 9: 8-9), those who hold their tongues from saying foolish things (Prov. 10: 19), and those who fear the Lord (Prov. 14: 16, 1: 7). Because wisdom allows us to discern right from wrong, this virtue sets us up to practice all other virtues.
2. Justice: Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed (Isaiah 1: 17). "It's not fair!" Most of us have some sense of justice from a very early age. A just or righteous person gives to others what is deserved, keeps his word, and acts fairly even when no one is looking. According to scripture, a just person favors the innocent over the wicked (Prov. 18: 5), never accepts bribes (Prov. 17: 23), aids the poor, fatherless, and widows (Prov. 29:7, Is 1: 17), and experiences joy (Prov. 21: 15).
3. Courage: In the fear of the Lord one has strong confidence (Prov 14: 26). While most of us associate courage with lack of fear, courage has more to do with fear put in proper perspective. A courageous person chooses right even when a decision is frightening or comes with personal cost. Among many traits, the courageous person exalts Christ (Phil 1: 20), holds on to God's promises (Acts. 27: 25), and gives an effective witness for Christ (Acts 4: 13). A person can not exercise any virtue for long without courage because sin often appears easier or more attractive than virtue.
4. Temperance: Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control (Prov. 25: 28). Temperance is an old-fashioned word for moderation. A temperate person exercises self-control, building a wall against unhealthy, sinful extremes. Among many qualities, scripture tells us that a temperate person does not gossip (1 Tim 3: 11), does not vent anger (Prov 29: 11) is respectable and able to take on leadership roles (1 Tim 3: 2), and is sexually pure (1 Thes 4: 2 -5).
So, are any of these virtues lacking in your life? I can see some areas where I am still weak. Thankfully, with God's grace and a few good decisions, we can grow in our effectiveness and productiveness for Christ.
Intersecting Faith & Life: Identify which cardinal virtue you struggle most with. Ask God for the grace to grow and make one positive change in your behavior this week that will help you develop this "holy habit."
Further Reading:
Matthew 25: 23
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