Many people don't understand the dynamics of setting up home theater audio system of their home theater.
Don't be the kind who make more noise than quality sound.
Follow these simple steps to get amazing audio output set-up in the comfort of your home without taking help from the experts.
Proper Wire Connection Make sure your speakers are correctly and properly wired to the receiver.
Use consistent polarity between each speaker and the receiver.
Universally, red wires have a +ive charge and black have a -ive charge.
Each speaker should be properly connected to their designated terminal in the back of the receiver.
Right Cable for Each Component All the devices of your home theater should be connected with prescribed cables.
Simply, use the right cable to connect devices such as DVD player, cable box, speakers etc.
Speaker System Setup Properly set up your speaker system and place them according to the size and dimensions of your room.
Test and select proper bass level.
DOs and DONTs of Volume Controls: a.
Do Buy Products and Accessories from Genuine and Authorized Dealers.
If you are a novice, they offer valuable help for installation of your home theater system.
Just imagine yourself having everything you need without the technical know-how to do it.
DO NOT Fall for Cubed Speakers! You can grab better sounding speakers by compromising a tiny bit on the compactness and possibly save a few bucks.
Don't Smash Your Cubed Speakers If you are already stuck with cubed speakers, try this: * Make sure all your cubed speakers are connected to the bass module through corresponding connections.
* Connect each speaker level connection from the bass module to the corresponding connection on the receiver.
* Take an RCA level cable and connect it from the sub out of your receiver to the sub in of your bass module.
* Set your subwoofer to 'Yes' and set all speakers to 'Large' in the receiver's bass management.
Do Get Basic Calibration Equipment Investing in basic calibration gear is a smart move.
Do buy components such as sound pressure level meter.
These tools will help you set more accurate and precise calibration e.
Don't Install Primary Speakers on Ceiling If your room settings require you to install them overhead, tilt them downwards by using mounting brackets or other such accessories.
First Time Setup Tips: a.
Today's AV receivers have volume controls which correspond to 1/2dB scale.
On such scales, a larger negative value denotes lower volume while 0dB means maximum sound output level.
Older versions offer 10 point incremental volume control scales.
Set the volume control to the minimum level while powering up your system for the first time.
These small tips will help you properly operate you home theater equipment regardless of the brand and model.
Once you are done with setting up this easy fine-tuning equipment into the room, simply sit back and enjoy quality sound without caring for the subtitles.
Don't be the kind who make more noise than quality sound.
Follow these simple steps to get amazing audio output set-up in the comfort of your home without taking help from the experts.
Proper Wire Connection Make sure your speakers are correctly and properly wired to the receiver.
Use consistent polarity between each speaker and the receiver.
Universally, red wires have a +ive charge and black have a -ive charge.
Each speaker should be properly connected to their designated terminal in the back of the receiver.
Right Cable for Each Component All the devices of your home theater should be connected with prescribed cables.
Simply, use the right cable to connect devices such as DVD player, cable box, speakers etc.
Speaker System Setup Properly set up your speaker system and place them according to the size and dimensions of your room.
Test and select proper bass level.
DOs and DONTs of Volume Controls: a.
Do Buy Products and Accessories from Genuine and Authorized Dealers.
If you are a novice, they offer valuable help for installation of your home theater system.
Just imagine yourself having everything you need without the technical know-how to do it.
DO NOT Fall for Cubed Speakers! You can grab better sounding speakers by compromising a tiny bit on the compactness and possibly save a few bucks.
Don't Smash Your Cubed Speakers If you are already stuck with cubed speakers, try this: * Make sure all your cubed speakers are connected to the bass module through corresponding connections.
* Connect each speaker level connection from the bass module to the corresponding connection on the receiver.
* Take an RCA level cable and connect it from the sub out of your receiver to the sub in of your bass module.
* Set your subwoofer to 'Yes' and set all speakers to 'Large' in the receiver's bass management.
Do Get Basic Calibration Equipment Investing in basic calibration gear is a smart move.
Do buy components such as sound pressure level meter.
These tools will help you set more accurate and precise calibration e.
Don't Install Primary Speakers on Ceiling If your room settings require you to install them overhead, tilt them downwards by using mounting brackets or other such accessories.
First Time Setup Tips: a.
Today's AV receivers have volume controls which correspond to 1/2dB scale.
On such scales, a larger negative value denotes lower volume while 0dB means maximum sound output level.
Older versions offer 10 point incremental volume control scales.
Set the volume control to the minimum level while powering up your system for the first time.
These small tips will help you properly operate you home theater equipment regardless of the brand and model.
Once you are done with setting up this easy fine-tuning equipment into the room, simply sit back and enjoy quality sound without caring for the subtitles.