Varicose Veins are in fact the abnormal veins dwelling under the skin of your thigh and leg.
It causes permanent swelling and heaviness in the feet. Women suffer from this disease four times more than men, particularly pregnant females and age group females. These could also be due to hereditary factors and there is a possibility that all the generations may suffer from it. The other important contributing factors are lack of exercise, abnormal pressure on veins during prolonged standing and sitting with legs down which cause more stress on veins.
Common symptoms of varicose veins:
€ Prominent dark blue blood vessels
€ Swelling in the ankle and heavy leg pain
€ Redness, dryness and itchiness of areas of skin
€ Skin ulcers near the ankle (this is more often seen in severe cases)
€ Minor injuries may bleed more than normal
€ Restless legs syndrome may appear
€ Take away the beauty and appearance of your legs
The good news is that there is Ayurvedic varicose veins treatment, which has helped many people and has relieved them from the pain.
Ayurvedic remedies:
Fairly, well - documented cure for venous insufficiency is the tropical creeper Brahmi. In practice, 3 to 4 weeks of Brahmi treatment will show more welcomed benefits. The usage dosage of Brahmi is 10 - 20 ml twice in a day.
Useful Home Herbs for varicose veins treatment:
Garlic - It can break down the protein content in the body and distribute it evenly. So that it increases the protein supply to the lower limb region for the betterment.
Ginger - Breaks down and distributes the protein in the body.
Onion - It helps in the proper assimilation and distribution of protein in a human body. It gives strong attitude and inner strength. By eating one onion everyday, it can solve the problem permanently.
Perfect Ayurvedic Varicose Veins Treatment:
€ Elevate your legs when ever possible, especially while you are watching TV rest, you could rest them on a pillow
€ Do regular exercises like walking, which leads to the proper blood circulation
€ Don't sit or stand too long. It is best to get up and move around a little. When you stand or sit for a longer period of time, your blood will start accumulating in the legs, which in turn pressurizes your veins. If you exercise your muscles after every one or two hours, it will assist in proper circulating your blood through the veins.
€ Lose weight, if you are over weight. Excess of weight can induce uncalled for pressure on your legs.
€ Watch what you eat and try to cut down on salt intake. Consuming salt could retain excess amount of water in your body, which will further pressurize your veins. You could also intake food items that are high in fiber.
€ Wear stockings or elastic socks, as this will help in compressing the veins and support in proper circulation of your blood.
€ Don't wear tight clothes, try wearing comfortable clothes.
€ It is recommended that you sleep for 7 to 8 hours every night.
€ Drinking one glass juice of fresh pineapple without adding sugar or salt on an empty stomach everyday can show quick recovery.
€ Strictly eliminate salt, sugar, oil in your diet for a period of 3 to 5 months, which will assure permanent cure. Not only this, many health issues like cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes, joint pains can be cured by following this diet.
It causes permanent swelling and heaviness in the feet. Women suffer from this disease four times more than men, particularly pregnant females and age group females. These could also be due to hereditary factors and there is a possibility that all the generations may suffer from it. The other important contributing factors are lack of exercise, abnormal pressure on veins during prolonged standing and sitting with legs down which cause more stress on veins.
Common symptoms of varicose veins:
€ Prominent dark blue blood vessels
€ Swelling in the ankle and heavy leg pain
€ Redness, dryness and itchiness of areas of skin
€ Skin ulcers near the ankle (this is more often seen in severe cases)
€ Minor injuries may bleed more than normal
€ Restless legs syndrome may appear
€ Take away the beauty and appearance of your legs
The good news is that there is Ayurvedic varicose veins treatment, which has helped many people and has relieved them from the pain.
Ayurvedic remedies:
Fairly, well - documented cure for venous insufficiency is the tropical creeper Brahmi. In practice, 3 to 4 weeks of Brahmi treatment will show more welcomed benefits. The usage dosage of Brahmi is 10 - 20 ml twice in a day.
Useful Home Herbs for varicose veins treatment:
Garlic - It can break down the protein content in the body and distribute it evenly. So that it increases the protein supply to the lower limb region for the betterment.
Ginger - Breaks down and distributes the protein in the body.
Onion - It helps in the proper assimilation and distribution of protein in a human body. It gives strong attitude and inner strength. By eating one onion everyday, it can solve the problem permanently.
Perfect Ayurvedic Varicose Veins Treatment:
€ Elevate your legs when ever possible, especially while you are watching TV rest, you could rest them on a pillow
€ Do regular exercises like walking, which leads to the proper blood circulation
€ Don't sit or stand too long. It is best to get up and move around a little. When you stand or sit for a longer period of time, your blood will start accumulating in the legs, which in turn pressurizes your veins. If you exercise your muscles after every one or two hours, it will assist in proper circulating your blood through the veins.
€ Lose weight, if you are over weight. Excess of weight can induce uncalled for pressure on your legs.
€ Watch what you eat and try to cut down on salt intake. Consuming salt could retain excess amount of water in your body, which will further pressurize your veins. You could also intake food items that are high in fiber.
€ Wear stockings or elastic socks, as this will help in compressing the veins and support in proper circulation of your blood.
€ Don't wear tight clothes, try wearing comfortable clothes.
€ It is recommended that you sleep for 7 to 8 hours every night.
€ Drinking one glass juice of fresh pineapple without adding sugar or salt on an empty stomach everyday can show quick recovery.
€ Strictly eliminate salt, sugar, oil in your diet for a period of 3 to 5 months, which will assure permanent cure. Not only this, many health issues like cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes, joint pains can be cured by following this diet.