- 1). Eliminate as much processed food from your diet as possible. At least 90 percent of your diet should consist of food you prepare yourself from natural ingredients such as fruit and vegetables. This means get rid of food such as snack cakes, potato chips and processed lunch meats.
- 2). Reduce your intake of starchy carbohydrates such as bread, rice and pasta. You should eat these only on days that you exercise. On other days, try to get your carbohydrates from sources such as fruits and vegetables.
- 3). Eliminate simple carbohydrates such as white bread, refined sugars and alcohol. You don't need to eliminate these, but you should at least drastically reduce them from your diet.
- 4). Increase lean sources of protein, such as chicken breasts and other lean meats, in your diet. Bacon is not a lean protein. While it is a meat, it is very dense in fat and calories.
- 1). Perform squats. Hold a weight-lifting bar with you hands, placing it along the back of your shoulders. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, and squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Keep your knees over your toes, your heels flat on the ground and your back straight. Push up again with your legs. Start with just the bar, and gradually increase the weight as long as you can do so while maintaining form. You also can use hand weights and hold them by your sides.
- 2). Deadlift by placing the weight bar on the ground. Stand in front of it and bend down, sticking out your buttocks. Grab the bar at shoulder length and lift up, pushing with your legs and keeping your back and arms straight. Place enough weight on the bar so it's challenging but not too much as to injure you.
- 3). Bench press by lying on a bench with a weight bar above you. Grab the bar at shoulder length with your elbows tucked in as far as possible. Bring the bar down to your nipples (without touching your body) and push it back up. Again, use enough weight on the bar so it's challenging but not too much as to injure you.
- 4). Overhead press by holding the bar with both hands at your collarbone and pushing it up over your head. It should finish right over your head. Use a safe amount of weight on the bar.
- 5). Perform a pull-up by grabbing a pull-up bar, suspending yourself in the air and pulling with your arms until your head raises above the bar. If you can't do this, start with a flexed-arm hang, in which you hang from the bar with bent arms as long as possible.
- 1). Warm up for about 5 minutes by jogging in place, walking briskly or another light exercise.
- 2). Perform regular high-intensity interval training. Bike, run, swim or otherwise exert yourself as much as you can for a set amount of time --- one minute is good to start.
- 3). Slow down for twice the amount of time you exerted yourself, but don't stop moving.
- 4). Continue for 10 sets of these intervals. Do this on the days you don't weight train.
Weight Training
Cardiovascular Exercise