Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

Couch to 5K: Advice for Beginning Runners

Deciding to run a 5k can be thrilling. Making sure you are mentally prepared to run a 5k is the first and most important step. If you have been a couch potato or someone who is fairly inactive, having the proper mindset can not be over emphasized. Stores like Finish Line and FootSmart can help you along your way.

Prepare Yourself Mentally

Most runners will tell you that the mind really fuels the body when it comes to long runs and races. If you're mentally ready for the challenge, you start out better prepared than most. You should start making sure that you spend your time reading up on being a beginner and what all the qualifications are for running in your particular 5k. You would of course do well to find out how many miles a 5k would actually entail. In this case, it would be a little over 3 miles.

Acquire the Proper Apparel

You'll then want to make sure you have the right shoes and clothing for practicing and running the race. The footware is key to finishing the race without injury. You'll want to find sneakers or athletic shoes specifically for runners. These shoes have shock absorbers that help to prevent injury to the foot and other parts of the body. Style is a bit less important than function in this area, so make sure you jog around a bit in your shoes before you select the ones that will work for you. Remember you will be going a long distance and need comfort more than style.

Engage in Physical Activity

Your next step should be to find exercises that prepare the body for this time of endurance racing or running. You will want to include key stretches that really prevent injuries to your muscles and ligaments. Exercising each day should be done before you go out to practice on any track or trail. After you have completed your exercise routine, you can locate a local track or forest preserve that has the length of miles you'll need to finish the 5k.

Track Your Progress

If you find that it's too difficult to even walk the miles, you can start by biking or skating the track or trail. This will build up your endurance quite quickly. As soon as possible, you'll want to get on the bike or skates and start jogging the track at the very least. You should time yourself to see how long it takes you to get around the trail and document whether you were walking it, running, jogging or a combination of the three. The goal is to get to the place where you are running the entire track.

Pacing is key and being first shouldn't be your first goal. You will want to make sure you can finish the race without injury and consider that a success. Make sure when you practice you stay hydrated with lots of water and perhaps some energy drinks specifically formulated for runners. You're now on your way to running your first 5k!

To find Finish Line coupons or FootSmart coupons, visit
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