- 1). Weigh yourself. This is obviously your total bodyweight. Write this down.
- 2). Multiply your bodyweight by your bodyfat percentage. This will give you the number of fat in pounds that you carry.
- 3). Subtract your fat total from your overall bodyweight. For instance, an individual weights 200 pounds at 20% bodyfat. This means that he has 40 lbs. of fat. When you subtract the two totals you end up with 160.This gives you your lean mass total.
- 4). Eat your lean body mass in grams of protein. So using the example above, the individual would consume 160 grams of protein every day.
- 5). Consume the majority of your remaining daily calorie needs from healthy fat sources, allowing for only approximately 30 grams of carbohydrates.
- 6). Pick two fixed days out of the week, such as Saturday and Sunday. On these days consume approximately 10 grams of carbs per pound of lean mass while keeping your protein intake the same and substantially lowering your fat consumption.