Throughout human history, the form and function of exercise have evolved significantly. Early humans would run to increase their endurance; pick up huge rocks to improve their strength; and battle the ocean’s tides, to improve their agility. However, in today’s hectic world, we need our workouts to achieve more, in less time. Fortunately, we have tools, such as a home gym, to make our workouts more efficient. We eliminate the need to visit a gym, by making our home the gym!
Regardless of which type of exercise equipment you opt to use, it is important to follow some basic guidelines, to make your workout as successful as possible:
1. Start out slowly
There is nothing wrong with being thrilled about your new exercise program. However, take it slowly but surely. When you start exercising, you will be using and stretching muscles that you used infrequently in the past. So start out with lower weights and fewer repetitions. Also, remember that your muscles will need time to rest and recover.
2. Use the right weight and repetitions
If you want to increase muscle mass, then the weight that you use should be equal to about 60%-80% of what you could lift for a single repetition. Also, the number of repetitions that you do should be in the range of 8-20.
3. Each week, consume 2,500-3,500 calories, to gain one pound of muscle
If you want to boost muscle mass, couple your workout with a boost in calorie intake.
4. Never avoid challenging exercises
“Difficult” exercises require you to use multiple joints in your body. Within time, you should master these types of exercises, as they use larger groups of muscles.
5. Add variety to your workout
Your body adjusts quickly to workouts. Thus, periodically alter your workout, allowing you to reach related, yet different, objectives.
6. Do warm-ups, cool-downs, and stretches
Make sure to “pre-heat” your body’s issues, by doing warm-ups for 5 minutes. Then stretch out the muscles that your workout will focus on, for 5-10 minutes.
After your workout, keep moving for 5 minutes, to “cool-down.” Then do another 5-10 minutes of stretching.
7. Eat breakfast and after your training
Think of your body as a fuel tank. After a workout and sleeping all night, you must refuel your body. Ideal breakfast foods include milk and cereal, and low-fat yogurt. The key is to have a high-carbohydrate diet, along with some protein. Immediately after your workout, refuel with beverages that are high in carbohydrates and protein.
8. Generally do cardiovascular exercises after lifting weights
The reason is that cardiovascular exercises can be exhausting, making it difficult to perform your weight training. You could also do your cardios later in the day, or on a different day.
9. Have enough downtime between workouts
Beginner weight-trainers should workout a maximum of 3-4 times per week, never work one muscle group on back-to-back days, and never exercise a muscle group that is still sore.
Also, eat small healthy meals, and get at least 8 hours of sleep per night.
Regardless of which type of exercise equipment you opt to use, it is important to follow some basic guidelines, to make your workout as successful as possible:
1. Start out slowly
There is nothing wrong with being thrilled about your new exercise program. However, take it slowly but surely. When you start exercising, you will be using and stretching muscles that you used infrequently in the past. So start out with lower weights and fewer repetitions. Also, remember that your muscles will need time to rest and recover.
2. Use the right weight and repetitions
If you want to increase muscle mass, then the weight that you use should be equal to about 60%-80% of what you could lift for a single repetition. Also, the number of repetitions that you do should be in the range of 8-20.
3. Each week, consume 2,500-3,500 calories, to gain one pound of muscle
If you want to boost muscle mass, couple your workout with a boost in calorie intake.
4. Never avoid challenging exercises
“Difficult” exercises require you to use multiple joints in your body. Within time, you should master these types of exercises, as they use larger groups of muscles.
5. Add variety to your workout
Your body adjusts quickly to workouts. Thus, periodically alter your workout, allowing you to reach related, yet different, objectives.
6. Do warm-ups, cool-downs, and stretches
Make sure to “pre-heat” your body’s issues, by doing warm-ups for 5 minutes. Then stretch out the muscles that your workout will focus on, for 5-10 minutes.
After your workout, keep moving for 5 minutes, to “cool-down.” Then do another 5-10 minutes of stretching.
7. Eat breakfast and after your training
Think of your body as a fuel tank. After a workout and sleeping all night, you must refuel your body. Ideal breakfast foods include milk and cereal, and low-fat yogurt. The key is to have a high-carbohydrate diet, along with some protein. Immediately after your workout, refuel with beverages that are high in carbohydrates and protein.
8. Generally do cardiovascular exercises after lifting weights
The reason is that cardiovascular exercises can be exhausting, making it difficult to perform your weight training. You could also do your cardios later in the day, or on a different day.
9. Have enough downtime between workouts
Beginner weight-trainers should workout a maximum of 3-4 times per week, never work one muscle group on back-to-back days, and never exercise a muscle group that is still sore.
Also, eat small healthy meals, and get at least 8 hours of sleep per night.