- Oriental shorthairs are not very finicky when it comes to their food, so most any canned food will do. They are meat eaters, so choose canned food that features meat proteins, such as beef, chicken, turkey and seafood, without a lot of byproducts and fillers. Although they are not finicky by nature, Oriental shorthairs do appreciate variety in the food, so giving them a mixture of different types of proteins, or rotating them weekly, will make them happier and more likely to eat.
- Given their svelte look, Oriental shorthairs generally do not overeat when they are fed. But because they are so active, it is a good idea to keep a bowl filled with dry food next to their fresh water bowl when they feel hungry between planned meal times. Oriental shorthairs are prone to developing tartar buildup on their teeth, which can lead to gingivitis and, in the worst-case scenario, tooth loss. Choose a dry cat food that is specifically designed to clean cats' teeth when eating. It's a common misconception that all dry cat foods clean teeth when eaten, so look for descriptions on the food packages that state "oral care" or "dental care" in the name of the food.
- Since the 2010 E. coli outbreak from canned pet food, many cat owners have taken the precaution of making their own cat food. As carnivores, Oriental shorthairs should have food that has a lot of protein in it. Good choices include ground beef, ground poultry and minced fish. However, proteins alone will not keep your Oriental shorthair healthy. There are a number of minerals, vitamins, vegetables, grains and oils that should be mixed in their food as well. A prime example of a nutrient that must be added to their homemade food is taurine, an amino acid that, if not added regularly to their diet, can cause blindness and enlarged hearts in some cats.
- Cats, including Oriental shorthairs, do not live by regular food alone. Reward your cat with treats for good behavior. Although Oriental shorthairs cannot subsist on a diet of cat treats alone, there are some treats that offer benefits to your cats, such as tartar control and vitamin boosts. Another treat to give your cats regularly is catnip and catmint. Some cats have no reactions to catnip or catmint, while others go absolutely crazy for the stuff, fighting other cats for their share and even rolling around in piles that are placed on the floor. Catnip and catmint are good additions to their food or treats on their own, as they aid your Oriental shorthair's digestion.
Canned Food
Dry Food
Homemade Food
Cat Treats