- 1). Park your lawn tractor on a flat, level surface. Lock the parking break and take the key out of the ignition. Examine the belt replacement guide panel located on the left floorboard to understand how to correctly route the drive belt.
- 2). Grip the attachment clutch lever and pull it toward you to disengage the mowing deck. Pull off the mowing deck. Grip the attachment clutch lever and push it forward until the engine housing is at its lowest position.
- 3). Slide underneath the lawn tractor and slip the drive belt from the engine pulley. Pull out the retainer clip that secures the pulley bolt to the clutch spring. This is found at the very center of your mowing deck. Remove the two large retainer springs. Pull the belt collar off of the mower housing and away from the housing bracket.
- 4). Pull the drive belt away from the stationary idler pulley, then slide it off of the clutch idler pulley. These are both located directly beside the engine pulley. Now the belt should be completely free.
- 5). Install the Murray replacement belt in the exact reverse order of the process you employed to remove it.