Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

8 Simple Steps To Increase Chances Of Pregnancy

Did you know that there are some simple things you can do that will increase chances of pregnancy in a natural way, without the use of artificial substances?

The most important thing is to create the right environment thus ensuring that the body is ready to conceive, but before looking at what you should do let's consider the other side of the coin as there are certain activities and foods that should be avoided.

In order to increase chances of pregnancy here is a list of BIG 4 dont's.

1. Avoid air flights as the travel stress and the air pressure changes have a negative effect on the body energy and modify its chemistry.

2. Bumpy car rides put unwanted pressure on the pelvic region thereby affecting the reproductive organs.

3. It would seems logical that a hot bath offers a relaxing time, although if you want to increase chances of pregnancy you need to avoid high temperatures, especially saunas as they raise the internal temperature and disrupt the body energy.

4. Ginger is an herb, or more specifically a root, that is sometimes used to get over the morning sickness, although it should be used sparinghly before getting pregnant because it can cause a change in the blood flow thus preventing pregnancy.

Let's now see 4 things you should do in order to increase chances of pregnancy.

1. This is the time to give your body the best chance by filling it with nutrients from fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains. Get rid of junk food and foods that have a high sugar content, additives and preservatives.

2. Get plenty of rest, at least 8 hours each night going to bed early as the body needs the extra energy to support the pregnancy.

3. Get into doing some regular daily exercise, even if it is just a 15 minutes walk around the block at lunchtime. During cold weather and in wintertime make sure you wear some warm clothes and a hat.

4. Always dry your hair after a shampoo and remember never to go outside if your head is wet. In order to increase chances of pregnancy it is important to keep the body at maximum health and it is now recognised that loosing body heat through the head may cause the body to weaken.

By following these simple recommendation your fertility will start increasing therefore giving you the best possible chance getting pregnant.

Outlined above are 8 initial steps you can adopt to increase your chances of conceiving and carrying the pregnancy to completion although there is more infertility help through natural methods and techniques that a woman can explore.
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