- 1). Glue 2-inch-thick foam board to a 1/2-inch sheet of plywood, covering it completely. Use a construction-grade adhesive to support the weight of the foam board.
- 2). Use a marker to draw lines on your foam board, marking the outlines of your bricks. They should be staggered to mimic authentic brick construction techniques. The bricks shouldn't necessarily be all the same size, either -- many old dungeons were built using stones that were not uniform.
- 3). Cut out the foam along the lines you drew, using a Dremel or a comparable routing tool. Use a razor to chip away at some of the edges, to create an authentic look of wear, then lightly toast the surface of each brick with a propane torch to wear away at them and make them look old.
- 4). Paint the wall in three layers. First, paint the entire thing with a dark gray latex paint. After that dries, paint inside the lines you carved -- the lines between the bricks -- with black latex paint, to mimic cement. Finally, lightly paint the surfaces of the bricks with darker and lighter shades of gray to make them look worn down with age.
- 5). Prop up the panel against your wall. Construct more panels of varying sizes until the wall is covered.