Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Methods to Induce Labor at Home - Effective Ways to Induce Your Own Labor

If you are past your due date, you are more than likely ready to give birth. Carrying a baby for nine months usually takes it toll on you and just having to remain pregnant for one or two weeks more than you are supposed to may be even harder on you. Not to mention the worries you may have remaining past due and the chance of getting medically induced. Because of this , many pregnant women check into ways to induce labor at home.

They may be either more than likely tired of carrying a child and want to give birth as quickly as possible or they are in the position where they may need to be medically induced which for most, happens to be an option which is not really wanted. Thankfully, there are a few ways to induce labor at home the natural way.

Firstly, you can do what you can to relax. This may range from trying relaxation techniques to receiving a massage. Relaxing also reduces anxiety which in turn can help to bring about labor.

Sex is another good way to induce labor at home. However a number of women might not want to have intercourse in their final stage of pregnancy but if carried out, it may help to bring on labor since the semen helps to dilate and efface the cervix. Having an orgasm may also help to open up the cervix.

One of the more common ways to induce labor at home is walking. A lot of people will tell you to go walking if you'd like to bring on your own labor. The gravitational force along with the pressure on the cervix as a result of walking and similar actions can allow you to start labor. It is alleged that walking likewise helps to make the childbirth process a little simpler.

These methods have worked well for a number of women but not all women are the same. Perhaps they've tried the above methods and have not had any success. If this sounds like the case for you, there are other ways to induce labor at home that may turn out to be extremely effective. One of the most effective ways is to use acupressure. Acupressure not only helps to induce labor but additionally has extra benefits for example minimizing tension and reducing labor discomfort.
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