- 1). Unplug the dryer from the wall.
- 2). Open the control panel of the unit. This will differ between Maytag models. Remove the screws from the control panel and pull forward.
- 3). Locate the timer motor behind the timer dial of the control panel. Pull out the wires from their terminals and label them using a piece of tape.
- 4). Set a multitester to the RX1 setting and touch the probes to the timer motor. Test the terminal for the yellow and orange wire first, then yellow and gray. Both readings should be zero. If not, the timer should be replaced.
- 5). Remove the knob from the front of the timer by pulling it out from the unit. Unscrew the screw holding the timer motor down and pull it off. Place the new timer motor in place and tighten down the screw. Place the wires into their appropriate terminals and reattach the control panel. Plug in the unit and test it.