Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Losing Weight While Pregnant--- Trim Down During The Nine Months and Uncover The Three Pregnancy Myt

Losing Weight While Pregnant is probably a common concern for you if you're pregnant and overweight. You are probably told that it's unhealthy for you and for your baby. But the truth is out. The reality is that you CAN lose weight while still pregnant and be healthier too!

Myth #1: Losing Weight While Pregnant is unhealthy

One of the reasons why it's not an issue for pregnant women because now doctors found out that exercise is actually good for pregnant women.

Myth #2: Exercising is bad for pregnant women

This is another myth that doctors exposed. Exercise is great for pregnant women. For example, walking and swimming are really good activities to get into when pregnant. They'll help you to lessen the pain of pregnancy and it prepares your body for giving birth.

Myth #3: Pregnancy is an awful experience

Morning sickness, aches, pains, and cravings are things you don't have to deal with if you make the right decisions for your health. When you eat the right foods, do the right activities, and follow the right instructions for pregnant women to lose weight, then you will know that pregnancy is a wonderful experience and will know this first hand.

What to do to lose weight if your pregnant:

Start by eating good and healthy foods like fruits and vegetables.

Minimise your processed food intake like candy, cake, sweet beverages and canned or micro-waved foods. Instead, eat lots of whole wheat or whole grain foods and nuts daily.

Being pregnant is a wonderful experience for many women.  And by not stressing over weight and looking great while pregnant, you'll certainly lose weight and boost your mood.
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