Skin tags is the name given to the benign growths that commonly develop on the body. These are usually harmless and do not cause discomfort or pain. Some people may be more prone to these because of their weight, heredity or other reasons. Men and women are at equal risk of developing such tags. In medical terminology, these are known as acrochordon. Some might be concerned with how to get rid of skin tags.
Tags can occur on almost any part of the body. Generally, the two areas where these are most common: armpit and neck. Other places where this may develop: buttock and groin folds, eyelids and upper chest. Overall, these develop in areas where there is a lot of friction, whether that be skin with skin or clothes. Most growths do not create pain or discomfort. However, it is still common for people to have them removed for aesthetic reasons. It depends on the location, but a person may want them removed for irritation reasons. This is usually the case when the growths are in the groin or collar region.
A growth can become irritated or painful when it has been snagged by seatbelts, pets, jewelry or even clothing. Some tags will come off and cause no pain or discomfort. Most growths do not need to be treated. With that said, some people may want them removed for various reasons. There are many home and medical treatments that can used. Often the smaller-sized ones can be taken off easily and do not require aid from professionals. This is not always true of large tags. One option for removal is to tie the tag at its base using a piece of string or dental floss. Others may choose to freeze it off with liquid nitrogen. Growths can be burnt off using Hyfrecator or electric cautery. With freezing or burning, there may be discoloration, failure of removal and need for repeat treatments.
Simply cutting the skin tag off using scissors, which may or may not involve use of anesthetic, is another solution. This option is advantageous because the growth is removed quickly and the results are instant. Still, minor bleeding may occur. People more interested in natural remedies have several removal options as well. The use of tea tree oil is known to work. The area should be washed clean and left to dry. A cotton ball that has been soaked in water and tea tree oil should be rubbed against the tag.
This procedure should be practiced multiple times a day until the tag falls off. Castor oil, when mixed with baking soda, works in a similar way. Dermisil is a herbal extract that is known to help with these growths and other conditions. There are ointments and creams found on the market that include natural ingredients that are beneficial for these conditions. Other popular home remedies involve application of vitamin E oil, duct tape and fingernail polish. Those who do have these tags should be aware of the little, if any, harm they can cause. These are a lot of references that show how to get rid of skin tags. Treatment applied may depend on the desire for removal, size and location. Most techniques can be easily done at home. Serious cases should be handled by professionals.
Tags can occur on almost any part of the body. Generally, the two areas where these are most common: armpit and neck. Other places where this may develop: buttock and groin folds, eyelids and upper chest. Overall, these develop in areas where there is a lot of friction, whether that be skin with skin or clothes. Most growths do not create pain or discomfort. However, it is still common for people to have them removed for aesthetic reasons. It depends on the location, but a person may want them removed for irritation reasons. This is usually the case when the growths are in the groin or collar region.
A growth can become irritated or painful when it has been snagged by seatbelts, pets, jewelry or even clothing. Some tags will come off and cause no pain or discomfort. Most growths do not need to be treated. With that said, some people may want them removed for various reasons. There are many home and medical treatments that can used. Often the smaller-sized ones can be taken off easily and do not require aid from professionals. This is not always true of large tags. One option for removal is to tie the tag at its base using a piece of string or dental floss. Others may choose to freeze it off with liquid nitrogen. Growths can be burnt off using Hyfrecator or electric cautery. With freezing or burning, there may be discoloration, failure of removal and need for repeat treatments.
Simply cutting the skin tag off using scissors, which may or may not involve use of anesthetic, is another solution. This option is advantageous because the growth is removed quickly and the results are instant. Still, minor bleeding may occur. People more interested in natural remedies have several removal options as well. The use of tea tree oil is known to work. The area should be washed clean and left to dry. A cotton ball that has been soaked in water and tea tree oil should be rubbed against the tag.
This procedure should be practiced multiple times a day until the tag falls off. Castor oil, when mixed with baking soda, works in a similar way. Dermisil is a herbal extract that is known to help with these growths and other conditions. There are ointments and creams found on the market that include natural ingredients that are beneficial for these conditions. Other popular home remedies involve application of vitamin E oil, duct tape and fingernail polish. Those who do have these tags should be aware of the little, if any, harm they can cause. These are a lot of references that show how to get rid of skin tags. Treatment applied may depend on the desire for removal, size and location. Most techniques can be easily done at home. Serious cases should be handled by professionals.