Pets & Animal Horses

How to Tame a Pony

    • 1). Determine what they pony already knows. Chances are the pony had a previous owner, and that owner may have already begun the training process. If you bought the pony from someone else, ask that person what he has already taught it. Then again, this could be knowledge that you can attain only through experience. Test the pony and see what it is capable of.

    • 2). Begin with ground training. This is essentially leading the horse around by a rope and getting it to perform simple commands. This is called longeing. The longe line attaches to the pony's halter and allows it plenty of freedom of movement without allowing it to run too freely. Begin the taming process by getting the pony to walk beside you on a lead. This may take some time, as the pony may want to test you by shouldering you away from its space. You must keep it up, and do not attempt anything else until it obediently walks beside you. Reward it with treats as it does what you tell it to do.

    • 3). Introduce the saddle gradually. Place the saddle on the pony's back while keeping it in an enclosed space and let it stand for five minutes. The idea is to get the pony used to the saddle. Later, you will want to teach the pony to lunge while wearing the saddle. Any new task that you teach the pony should be introduced gradually. In fact, a typical training session should begin with the pony performing the tasks that it already knows.

    • 4). Let the pony get used to moving with extra weight by leaning across the saddle while someone else holds its head. Do your best to keep the pony calm, and do not attempt to ride it until it is used to your weight. Ponies can be dangerous despite their smaller size, so it is imperative you never let anyone attempt to ride an untamed pony. Once the pony is used to your weight, you can attempt to ride it in an enclosed space. Start slowly, and ride for short periods of time. Reward the pony for a job well done with treats.

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