- 1). Shovel a hole about 1 foot deep, and 1/2 foot bigger than the enclosure.
- 2). Lay down some construction plastic to waterproof the base.
- 3). Fill the hole with 10 or 11 bags of rubber mulch, or tires that have been cut up.
- 4). Place flat cement blocks on top of the bags of mulch. The solid cement blocks should be about 7 1/2 inches by 15 inches long, and 3 or 4 inches thick. Lay them side by side to create a floating deck.
- 5). Place a fiber board on top of the cement to give it stable platform. The generator will be placed on top so it needs to be stable.
- 6). Line up cement blocks in two rows of five on either side and on the back of the generator.
- 7). Fill in the cracks of the cement block with foam to insulate the enclosure.
- 8). Measure and cut three strips of plywood to go over the cement blocks. You can glue foam to the plywood to add insulation.
- 9). Line three strips of plywood on both sides and the back. Nail them together with a hammer.