Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

Swine Flu Prevention - Easy Ways That Will Help Your Family from Getting the Swine Influenza

Everyone is concerned about Swine Flu [] today. But did you know there are some very simple ways you can tend yourself and your family from catching the swine flu? Most people are not even aware of these simple things. Here they are:

Swine flu, or the H1N1 virus, is transmitted like any usual seasonal influenza. The virus germs are overspread from one person to another when they cough or sneeze. People touch their faces; the germs get on their hands and then leave these germs on everything they touch.

Think about all the things you touch that could have germs from Swine flu carriers on them.

It has been said and is worth repeating that the number one way a person can prevent from getting Swine Flu is to wash their hands often throughout the day. You want to wash off the germs that are on your hands from the object you touch before your hands touch your face.

Shocking Facts About Germs in Your Grocery Store

Here is what I really want to talk with you about. You are bringing objects into your homes that are covered with germs from the grocery store. Many of these objects may be crawling with Swine Flu germs.

Did you know that the fresh vegetables and fruits you buy from the produce section in your grocery store has been touched and handled by the hands of many, many people? Do you wash every piece of fruit or vegetable as soon as it enters your house? You should be doing this.

Take for example melons. Most people never think to wash them because the part you eat is on the inside. But when you reduce into the melon, if you are cutting though the surface that is unwashed, the germs on the outside will come into contact with the fruit on the inside as your knife slices through.

How about lemons or limes? These are often used as flavor enhancers in water. Do you rinse these every time before they are sliced and put into water?

One of the worst areas in grocery stores are the storage bins where fresh bagels are kept. Sure there are tongs there, but it is funny how many masses don't use them and touch many bagels before they select the one they bring home. Bagels can't exactly be washed. For that reason it is probably a good idea to stick with packaged food at least through the flu season.

The Shopping Carts Handles Are the Worst

Shopping cart handles are one of the worst carriers of germs from other people hands. It is hard to keep using a cart when you are shopping, but you can use wipes to clean of the handles before you touch them. Many stores have these wipes next to their shopping carts. Don't just walk past them next time you grab a cart-use them.

You can't keep from going to your grocery store this flu season, but you can be more aware and cautious. Consider about what objects other folks may have touch and what you can do to nurse yourself and your family from picking up their germs, and you will add one more defense to getting the swine flu.
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