- 1). Find a measuring cup in your kitchen that fits inside the basket of your pod maker. This will be the mold for your coffee pods, so you want it to be as close as possible to the actual basket size. A 1/4 cup or 1/3 cup dry measure will work with most pod machines. Use stainless steel, if possible, metal cups are thinner than plastic ones, so they are more accurate molds.
- 2). Place the coffee filter inside the measuring cup. The 4-cup basket filters are ideal, as they are not too big. If you only have larger filters on hand, they will be fine as long as you trim them to a circle that is 5 inches to 5 1/2 inches in diameter.
- 3). Insert the jar into the measuring cup to mold the filter. Press down tightly. Remove the jar.
- 4). Place ground coffee in the center of the filter. The amount of coffee you use depends on how strong you like your coffee and how much coffee your brewer can handle without clogging. If you have an existing pod that works in your machine, measure the grounds it contains and start with that, increasing until you find the quantity that works for you. If you don't, add between 2 tsp. and 3 tsp. for your first pod.
- 5). Dampen the edges of the filter to help get a good seal, then fold the circle in over the coffee. Pleat the edges as you fold, so the folds overlap. Dampen the top of the pod slightly and press down with the jar tightly.
- 6). Remove the pod from the measuring cup and place in the pod machine with the folded side up. Brew as usual and enjoy your coffee.