Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Morning Sickness From Pregnancy - What Causes It And How To Get Relief

One of the most extraordinary things a woman can go through in her lifetime is to become pregnant and give birth to a baby.
This should be a joyous time for her, but, in the majority of cases, morning sickness begins early on and essentially spoils her happiness for a while.
Being nauseated and throwing up becomes a part of her daily life for one or two months or even more than that which can make her feel absolutely horrible.
There is no one specific cause for this morning sickness from pregnancy and all of the changes that are going on inside a woman's body at this time are bound to have an effect on how she is feeling.
Once a woman is pregnant, her body starts producing numerous hormones, one of which is the Human Chronic Gonadotropin (HCG) Hormone, which is produced shortly after conception.
The belief is that this hormone is most likely what causes the morning sickness.
Two of the other hormones that are in all likelihood contributing factors towards nausea and vomiting are Progesterone, which relaxes the uterus muscles and intestines, and Estrogen, which is always present in a woman but drastically increases early on in the pregnancy.
Thus, morning sickness from pregnancy and hormones go hand in hand.
Other things besides hormones can cause a pregnant woman to be nauseous.
Certain odors that may not have ever bothered her before might now make her feel sick after one whiff as the sense of smell is stronger during pregnancy.
Also, certain women may be over-stressed and it has been said that if a woman's mother had bad morning sickness, then the daughter will have it too.
Then there are those women who just happen to be extremely sensitive to changes occurring with their bodies and must ultimately deal with morning sickness from pregnancy.
All women are different.
There are many different ways to get relief from the symptoms of morning sickness.
Some of the obvious ones are to eat smaller meals more often during the day, keep crackers and ginger ale with you, cut back on your workload and get enough sleep.
Pregnant women should also drink lots of liquids and see their doctor regularly so that if they are dealing with morning sickness from pregnancy, their doctor can monitor them and give them prescriptions if needed.
Above all else, do not push yourself too hard.
Relax and think about the fact that your baby will be here in no time at all.
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