- 1). Plant loquat in any type of soil as long as it provides fast drainage. Space multiple trees 25 feet apart and set them under full sun.
- 2). Feed the loquat tree 4 ounces of 6-6-6 fertilizer one month after you plant it and every two months, thereafter, through the tree's first growing season. Every subsequent year, increase the amount of fertilizer by ¼ pound and apply it every eight weeks. Fertilize mature trees, 8 to 10 feet tall, at the end of fall, in March and once in the summer. Give them 1 pound of fertilizer each time.
- 3). Irrigate your loquat tree to the root zone every other day the first week after you plant it. Following that, change the schedule to twice a week the first two months you have the tree. From the third month on, give the tree 1 inch of water once in any week it doesn't rain. Follow this schedule for three years. From the fourth year on, water the tree with 1 inch of moisture three times between its setting fruit and harvest.
- 4). Build a 6-inch-deep mulch ring around the loquat tree, 1 foot away from its base. Use shredded bark, dead leaves and wood chips, for example, to suppress weeds, slow evaporation and create a barrier to protect the trunk from lawn-mower injury.
- 5). Promote branch development in trees 2 years old and younger by cutting the tips of twigs that reach 2 feet in length. Make your cuts ¼ inch above a bud at a 45-degree angle slanting upward.