Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

A Complete Guide for Women Considering Hysterectomy

Have you been told by your doctor that you need to undergo a hysterectomy? If so, then you should know as much as possible about the facts behind hysterectomy and its possible alternatives before deciding to go through with the procedure.

To learn if this is the right choice for you, there is an important need for you to understand that hysterectomy is an elective type of surgery. You should also know if it is needed when it comes to saving your life. Remember that while hysterectomy might give you relief from your ailment, it is vital that you look into its alternatives first.

Why Hysterectomy is Necessary

Although you can opt to not undergo hysterectomy even if your physician recommends it, there are conditions that really warrant this procedure to be done. Severe infections, invasive cancers found in a woman's reproductive system, uterine rupture, and severe hemorrhaging are some of the conditions absolutely requiring hysterectomy. Other conditions that could be relieved with the procedure include fibroid tumors, uterine prolapse, certain hyperplasia cases, endometriosis, and chronic pelvic pain.

Hysterectomy and its Types

Hysterectomy involves the removal of certain female reproductive organs. There are different types of hysterectomy.

* Subtotal hysterectomy. This calls only for the removal of the uterus.
* Total hysterectomy. This is the removal of the cervix and the uterus
* Radical hysterectomy. Also known as hysterectomy with bilateral salpingoophorectomy, this involves the removal of the cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.
* Supracervical hysterectomy. This does not include the removal of the cervix and it is usually an option for women who have never experienced a unacceptable pap smear.

Surgical Menopause

The removal of both ovaries during a hysterectomy procedure leads to the immediate and possible intense onset of symptoms for menopause. Termed as surgical menopause, this often brings on menopausal symptoms that are considerably more severe than normal menopause and these include longer-lasting and frequent hot flashes. Because of this, it is very important to know your options regarding hormonal replacement before going through hysterectomy.

Recovering from Hysterectomy

You are to expect fatigue and pain after having a hysterectomy because these are normal experiences during the recovery period following a surgical procedure. Recovery from hysterectomy usually takes from a period of four to eight weeks.

You should refrain from having sexual intercourse after a hysterectomy until your physician tells you that it is safe. You are to avoid any pulling, lifting, or pushing activities while you are recovering from the operation and these include lifting children. Even if you feel that you are already all right, you should still not attempt to do any strenuous activities during the set recovery period following hysterectomy.

Hysterectomy's Effect on Your Sex Life

Hysterectomy leads to the fast decline of sexual hormones. Because of this, women who have a hysterectomy might no longer feel the uterine contractions that normally happen during orgasm. Removal of the cervix will also cause a likely change in the manner penetration may be felt. The vaginal dryness that comes after hysterectomy can be alleviated with the utilization of vaginal lubricants or the intake or administration of replacement hormones. Because of this, there are still women who found their sex life to have been greatly enhanced even after hysterectomy.
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