Are there really any unbiased Colon Cleanse Reviews out there? This is such a hot topic.
Obviously anything to do with your health is important enough to perform you due diligence and get some serious information before your start any type of health regimen.
The hardest part in all of this is trying to find a so called "Expert" on Colon Cleansing.
Especially one that has the credentials to back up their opinions on any Colon Cleansing Reviews that they may write.
As it stands, mainstream medicine continues to bash this type of alternative treatment and in most cases Western Doctors continue to advise their patients against it.
Without getting into an intense debate about the benefits and dangers of colon cleansing, let's start with one fact that no one can dispute, especially in the United States.
Colon Cancer is the number 2 killer among men and the number 3 killer among women.
Now I don't know about you, but I don't need a Doctor to convince me that Colon Cleansing is definitely something that merits my serious consideration.
Up until recently, this type of alternative treatment was reserved for the rich and famous.
However, know we have infomercials, the internet and just about every so-called "natural" health publication advertising some sort of Colon Cleansing Pill, Patch or Potion.
Enter the Dangers of Colon Cleansing.
If you research search results on colon cleanses, you would see one of the most popular requests is for pictures of fecal matter resulting from this type of cleanse.
So unfortunately, between the pills and these pictures, the people who are really interested in taking charge of their health are being mis-lead and duped.
Now, the vast majority of folks think thatthat the only way to colon cleanse is by taking a pill and quickly pooping out these gross, disgusting pieces of toxins, impacted fecal matter and parasites.
What could be easier right?Problem solved! No!The real problems lies in the inconvenient truth that all of these late night advertisers don't want to tell you.
Yes, I believe that Colon Cleansing is one of the most important things that you can do for your health.
But it must be done the right way.
And most of all, practiced with the UTMOST Safety!That is why so many customers of these prepackaged colon cleansing products find themselves experiencing side effects that range from mildly uncomfortable, to down right debilitating.
That is why Truthful Colon Cleanse Reviews would tell you that the Best Colon Cleanse Product, is not a Product at all! That's right, the best colon cleansing product is a SYSTEM.
One that is Homemade and one that shows you that Foods are your medicine, not a pill.
An all natural homemade colon cleanse is the safest least expensive (just the cost of water and specific foods) and best of all most effective.
The best colon detoxification consists of a preparations phase and there isn't one of these infomercials that covers that important fact!And for any naysayers, there is one home remedy detoxification cleanse that has been around for more than 50 years and it involves lemons, water, maple syrup and a tea.
Plus, it will do it's job in 10 Days!No that kind of result will rival a pill anytime!
Obviously anything to do with your health is important enough to perform you due diligence and get some serious information before your start any type of health regimen.
The hardest part in all of this is trying to find a so called "Expert" on Colon Cleansing.
Especially one that has the credentials to back up their opinions on any Colon Cleansing Reviews that they may write.
As it stands, mainstream medicine continues to bash this type of alternative treatment and in most cases Western Doctors continue to advise their patients against it.
Without getting into an intense debate about the benefits and dangers of colon cleansing, let's start with one fact that no one can dispute, especially in the United States.
Colon Cancer is the number 2 killer among men and the number 3 killer among women.
Now I don't know about you, but I don't need a Doctor to convince me that Colon Cleansing is definitely something that merits my serious consideration.
Up until recently, this type of alternative treatment was reserved for the rich and famous.
However, know we have infomercials, the internet and just about every so-called "natural" health publication advertising some sort of Colon Cleansing Pill, Patch or Potion.
Enter the Dangers of Colon Cleansing.
If you research search results on colon cleanses, you would see one of the most popular requests is for pictures of fecal matter resulting from this type of cleanse.
So unfortunately, between the pills and these pictures, the people who are really interested in taking charge of their health are being mis-lead and duped.
Now, the vast majority of folks think thatthat the only way to colon cleanse is by taking a pill and quickly pooping out these gross, disgusting pieces of toxins, impacted fecal matter and parasites.
What could be easier right?Problem solved! No!The real problems lies in the inconvenient truth that all of these late night advertisers don't want to tell you.
Yes, I believe that Colon Cleansing is one of the most important things that you can do for your health.
But it must be done the right way.
And most of all, practiced with the UTMOST Safety!That is why so many customers of these prepackaged colon cleansing products find themselves experiencing side effects that range from mildly uncomfortable, to down right debilitating.
That is why Truthful Colon Cleanse Reviews would tell you that the Best Colon Cleanse Product, is not a Product at all! That's right, the best colon cleansing product is a SYSTEM.
One that is Homemade and one that shows you that Foods are your medicine, not a pill.
An all natural homemade colon cleanse is the safest least expensive (just the cost of water and specific foods) and best of all most effective.
The best colon detoxification consists of a preparations phase and there isn't one of these infomercials that covers that important fact!And for any naysayers, there is one home remedy detoxification cleanse that has been around for more than 50 years and it involves lemons, water, maple syrup and a tea.
Plus, it will do it's job in 10 Days!No that kind of result will rival a pill anytime!