No gym huh? So you can't afford to go to a gym.
I could not afford it either back when I started out, all I had was 2 dumbbells and that's it.
The great thing about working out at home is that there are no distractions, there are no monthly payments and you don't need conventional exercise machines (unless you want them and can afford them).
So here is what you need...
Some Motivation The hardest part of working out at home is that it's really easy not to work out, with a gym you are paying a monthly subscription and if you "forget" to work out for a month you lose money.
You need a strong reason to work out, I noticed that I started to take this seriously only when I became uncomfortable with staying the same way, so you need a reason to work out, a strong why.
Some Body Weight Exercises To Do You do not have a choice here because you wont have any advanced exercise doohickeys.
I did a lot of body weight workouts before I could afford to go to the gym, you can do pull ups anywhere(monkey bars at a playground, or a tree branch), all you need for push ups is a floor and I am pretty sure you have one at home.
Either way if you can't even do push ups then there is no point in using weights anyway since you must be able to lift your own body weight first.
Some equipment When I started out I had dumbbells, one of those workout benches(not required) and a basement, backyard or just a room with enough space so as to avoid making holes in the walls with the weights when you workout.
If you don't want to buy weights or just cant afford them there is an alternative, resistance bands, I remember my dad created custom resistance bands for me so that is also an option.
There is no limit to what you can do outside the gym 4.
Bonus If you do consider getting some weights try to take safety precautions, this part of the article is no less important than the above.
If for example you are going to bench press a barbell at home you need to have someone beside you, I got into a situation where I could not bench the barbell any more and could not lift it off my chest, it was not too heavy so I didn't suffer any damage.
I will repeat it again take safety precautions, it is VERY VERY important that you avoid getting injured.
I could not afford it either back when I started out, all I had was 2 dumbbells and that's it.
The great thing about working out at home is that there are no distractions, there are no monthly payments and you don't need conventional exercise machines (unless you want them and can afford them).
So here is what you need...
Some Motivation The hardest part of working out at home is that it's really easy not to work out, with a gym you are paying a monthly subscription and if you "forget" to work out for a month you lose money.
You need a strong reason to work out, I noticed that I started to take this seriously only when I became uncomfortable with staying the same way, so you need a reason to work out, a strong why.
Some Body Weight Exercises To Do You do not have a choice here because you wont have any advanced exercise doohickeys.
I did a lot of body weight workouts before I could afford to go to the gym, you can do pull ups anywhere(monkey bars at a playground, or a tree branch), all you need for push ups is a floor and I am pretty sure you have one at home.
Either way if you can't even do push ups then there is no point in using weights anyway since you must be able to lift your own body weight first.
Some equipment When I started out I had dumbbells, one of those workout benches(not required) and a basement, backyard or just a room with enough space so as to avoid making holes in the walls with the weights when you workout.
If you don't want to buy weights or just cant afford them there is an alternative, resistance bands, I remember my dad created custom resistance bands for me so that is also an option.
There is no limit to what you can do outside the gym 4.
Bonus If you do consider getting some weights try to take safety precautions, this part of the article is no less important than the above.
If for example you are going to bench press a barbell at home you need to have someone beside you, I got into a situation where I could not bench the barbell any more and could not lift it off my chest, it was not too heavy so I didn't suffer any damage.
I will repeat it again take safety precautions, it is VERY VERY important that you avoid getting injured.