The amazing web today brings advantages to the wearer, an ability to find almost everything you need. For this reason it increased the number of webmaster and bloggers all want to have a space to spread his knowledge, content, images, videos and more. And when we reach that level of wanting to disclose, share, do we need more of other people to recognize us. But we know that creating a blog is not difficult, however, is now so easy. The question is to disseminate it. In the past this was a difficult mission, Ardo, but today we have means to facilitate and very life of our webmaster and blogger, I speak of the link and content aggregators. Today there are hundreds of these services, most free. I am a blogger and moderator of two aggregators, and I say that as a blogger I had great difficulty in achieving a good average of visitors and backlinks without this service.
Now after much effort I joined the aggregators and the link And I come to share with you my strategy to get more visitors and backlinks to increase popularity with Google and thus increase your pagerank.
To do this you must also delve into commenting on blogs, other sites that have good pagerank, forums, and primarily use networks like delicious, digg and twitter; use as many aggregator and directory of links to know everything that you provide a link chase, but one tip: do not waste time commenting and adding your links on sites where these links are treated with rel = nofollow, google does not see these links, therefore not serving to increase your pagerank.
And one more important tip: there are many sites out there that sell backlink, sponsored links stating that it will improve the optimization of your website. I tell you to go slow and do not pay for any backlink site that does.
I say based on some reviews that made for some services provided in this field. I ask you: if a site offers for sale to increase your pagerank backlink, what you expect from this site? I, private, I hope he has a high pagerank even to show that his job will work, they have also spread your links on sites that will register to give us our backlink.
This week I came across a website that offers this type of service, and the first thing we looked at was whether it had pagerank, and to my surprise it had no one wants. And worse is that they offer domain backlink. GOV. Gov domains to understand SEO, Backlink is a huge weight on optimizing your site seen by Google as well as domain. EDU. If you have links from these types of domain, its site is much more that guaranteed to earn high pagerank. But get this type of backlink domain is extremely difficult because they are linked to government sites, and they will not be putting other unknown sites link to your pages. The site in question is the talk: "" Indiguinada and I was sent an email to them abused through saying "Hello, how can you offer to purchase to increase pagerank backlink if you do not have pagerank? Why do not you gain pagerank first and then offer! You want to earn easy money , right! You are a comedy even, just laughing at you. " I do not know if this site has credibility in the market, it will actually add our link on sites they say. I've known him a long time so I decided to put it on my blacklist, because for me it is strange to say that a site will give you good backlink to increase your pagerank, even if they do not have pagerank.
There are other sites I know who has the same practice. So people, do not be fooled by sites that offer buying backlink, search well before you start buying this kind of service.
Just to say that in 3 months of life and with much effort, my site got pagerank 3 to update the google. I submit that most aggregators use: - - - - - - www.domelhor. with and many others.
Now after much effort I joined the aggregators and the link And I come to share with you my strategy to get more visitors and backlinks to increase popularity with Google and thus increase your pagerank.
To do this you must also delve into commenting on blogs, other sites that have good pagerank, forums, and primarily use networks like delicious, digg and twitter; use as many aggregator and directory of links to know everything that you provide a link chase, but one tip: do not waste time commenting and adding your links on sites where these links are treated with rel = nofollow, google does not see these links, therefore not serving to increase your pagerank.
And one more important tip: there are many sites out there that sell backlink, sponsored links stating that it will improve the optimization of your website. I tell you to go slow and do not pay for any backlink site that does.
I say based on some reviews that made for some services provided in this field. I ask you: if a site offers for sale to increase your pagerank backlink, what you expect from this site? I, private, I hope he has a high pagerank even to show that his job will work, they have also spread your links on sites that will register to give us our backlink.
This week I came across a website that offers this type of service, and the first thing we looked at was whether it had pagerank, and to my surprise it had no one wants. And worse is that they offer domain backlink. GOV. Gov domains to understand SEO, Backlink is a huge weight on optimizing your site seen by Google as well as domain. EDU. If you have links from these types of domain, its site is much more that guaranteed to earn high pagerank. But get this type of backlink domain is extremely difficult because they are linked to government sites, and they will not be putting other unknown sites link to your pages. The site in question is the talk: "" Indiguinada and I was sent an email to them abused through saying "Hello, how can you offer to purchase to increase pagerank backlink if you do not have pagerank? Why do not you gain pagerank first and then offer! You want to earn easy money , right! You are a comedy even, just laughing at you. " I do not know if this site has credibility in the market, it will actually add our link on sites they say. I've known him a long time so I decided to put it on my blacklist, because for me it is strange to say that a site will give you good backlink to increase your pagerank, even if they do not have pagerank.
There are other sites I know who has the same practice. So people, do not be fooled by sites that offer buying backlink, search well before you start buying this kind of service.
Just to say that in 3 months of life and with much effort, my site got pagerank 3 to update the google. I submit that most aggregators use: - - - - - - www.domelhor. with and many others.