Covenanter Martyrs & God's Sovereignty (Free MP3s and Videos, Discounted Books, Great Quotes, etc.)
"...he [Richard Cameron-GB] went over to Holland in the year of 1678, not knowing what work the Lord had for him there; where he conversed with Mr. M'Ward [Robert McWard-GB] and others of the banished Worthies. In his private conversation and exercise in families, but especially by his public sermon in the Scots Kirk at Rotterdam, he was most refreshing unto many souls. He dwelt mostly upon conversion work, from that text, Matt. 11:28: 'Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest;' which was most satisfying and agreeable to Mr. M'Ward and Mr. Brown [John Brown of Wamphray-GB], and others who had been informed by the Indulged, and those of their persuasion, that he could preach nothing but babble against the Indulgence, cess paying, etc. Here he touched upon none of these things, except in prayer when lamenting over the deplorable case of Scotland by means of defection and tyranny.
"About this time Mr. M'Ward said to him, 'Richard the public standard has now fallen in Scotland; and, if I know anything of the mind of the Lord, ye are called to undergo your trials [ordination exam-GB] before us, to go home, and lift the fallen standard, and display it publicly before the whole world. But before you put your hand to it, ye shall go to as many field ministers as ye can find, and give them your hearty invitation to go with you; and if they will not go, go alone, and the Lord will go with you.' Accordingly he was ordained by Mr. M'Ward, Mr. Brown, and Roleman, a famous Dutch divine. When their hands were lifted up from his [Richard Cameron's-GB] head, Mr. M'Ward continued this still and cried out, 'Behold all ye beholders, here is the head of a faithful minister and servant of Jesus Christ, who shall lose the same for his master's interest, and it shall be set up before sun and moon, in the view of the world.'" (John Howie, "Biographia Scoticana or The Scots Worthies," 1781, SWRB reprint, p. 423).
For more free resources on Covenanter Martyrs & God's Sovereignty, please visit and click on "Newsletters," then click on "Covenanter Martyrs & God's Sovereignty (Free MP3s and Videos, Discounted Books, Great Quotes, etc.)."
"...he [Richard Cameron-GB] went over to Holland in the year of 1678, not knowing what work the Lord had for him there; where he conversed with Mr. M'Ward [Robert McWard-GB] and others of the banished Worthies. In his private conversation and exercise in families, but especially by his public sermon in the Scots Kirk at Rotterdam, he was most refreshing unto many souls. He dwelt mostly upon conversion work, from that text, Matt. 11:28: 'Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest;' which was most satisfying and agreeable to Mr. M'Ward and Mr. Brown [John Brown of Wamphray-GB], and others who had been informed by the Indulged, and those of their persuasion, that he could preach nothing but babble against the Indulgence, cess paying, etc. Here he touched upon none of these things, except in prayer when lamenting over the deplorable case of Scotland by means of defection and tyranny.
"About this time Mr. M'Ward said to him, 'Richard the public standard has now fallen in Scotland; and, if I know anything of the mind of the Lord, ye are called to undergo your trials [ordination exam-GB] before us, to go home, and lift the fallen standard, and display it publicly before the whole world. But before you put your hand to it, ye shall go to as many field ministers as ye can find, and give them your hearty invitation to go with you; and if they will not go, go alone, and the Lord will go with you.' Accordingly he was ordained by Mr. M'Ward, Mr. Brown, and Roleman, a famous Dutch divine. When their hands were lifted up from his [Richard Cameron's-GB] head, Mr. M'Ward continued this still and cried out, 'Behold all ye beholders, here is the head of a faithful minister and servant of Jesus Christ, who shall lose the same for his master's interest, and it shall be set up before sun and moon, in the view of the world.'" (John Howie, "Biographia Scoticana or The Scots Worthies," 1781, SWRB reprint, p. 423).
For more free resources on Covenanter Martyrs & God's Sovereignty, please visit and click on "Newsletters," then click on "Covenanter Martyrs & God's Sovereignty (Free MP3s and Videos, Discounted Books, Great Quotes, etc.)."