Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Acupressure to Induce Labor - 4 Pressure Points to Help Induce Birth

In this article, I'm going to show how to use acupressure to induce labor.
Your due date has come and gone, and still no baby.
Your body hurts, your ankles are swollen, your lower back kills, you would much rather hold your baby in your arms than in your belly.
There is good news, using traditional acupressure techniques, labor can be induced naturally.
There are a number of natural methods to start your contractions although none have proven as effective as acupressure to induce labor.
Acupressure works by stimulating key points on your body, which then increases blood flow to your uterus and encourages the baby to descend into your pelvis.
The use of acupressure has proven to be not only effective, but has absolutely no side effects.
You can perform these techniques on yourself or you can have your partner assist.
Medications that are used to induce labor tend to work against the body whereas acupressure encourages your contractions start on their own.
Acupressure can assist in helping you avoid medical inducement methods such as catheters, drugs or cesarean section.
Here are four acupressure points to help induce your labor: 1.
Technique: Adjoining Valley
The Adjoining Valley technique stimulates the large intestine which surrounds part of your uterus.
To stimulate this point, locate the webbing between your thumb and your forefinger (finger closest to your thumb), this area will feel tender to the touch.
Press firmly, applying a continual pinching like motion to the area.
This point will also help ease pain during delivery.
Technique: Shoulder Well
The Shoulder Well technique is performed by applying pressure to the trapezius muscle, the large muscle that connects your neck to your shoulder.
Find the highest point where the muscle connects to the neck, then go down slightly approximately the width of four fingers.
This area should feel the most tender along the muscle.
Apply gentle but firm pressure intermittently.
Technique: Big and High
Apply the Blue and High technique by massaging the area between your ankle bone, the part that sticks out, and your Achilles tendon (just above your heel).
This technique will encourage the baby to descend toward your pelvis.
Technique: Three Yin Crossing
The Three Yin Crossing will help strengthen weak contractions.
This pressure point is located about hands width above your ankle next to the bone on the inside of your leg by your calf muscle.
While feeling in this area you will most likely come across an area that is more tender, this is the area you should be focusing on.
You can also try the following acupressure point during your day, apply pressure to the roof of your mouth with your tongue, stimulating the area as far back as you can.
Continue doing this while you go about your daily activities.
In this article I have shown you 4 techniques that use acupressure to induce labor The use these techniques will help calm you, ease tension and stimulate your natural labor process.
As always, if you are ever feeling discomfort or uneasiness, be sure to consult your medical practitioner.
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