Women's health is a subject within the field of physical therapy that treats and evaluates conditions that primarily affect women and occur throughout the lifespan.
1. Pelvic Pain
Dysfunctions within the muscles of the pelvic region can lead to pain, constipation, urinary incontinence and difficulty with intercourse. Pelvic pain is usually experienced by Women due to result of various disorders such as endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, labor and delivery, and from post-surgical scarring like C-Section or hysterectomy. Some common pelvic pain disorders include Levator Ani Syndrome, Vaginismus, Proctalgia Fugax, Dysparenia, Vulvodynia, Gynecological/oncology issues, and Post-surgical issues.
2. Urinary Incontinence
Urinary incontinence is the involuntary leaking of urine and can occur in both men and women; however it primarily occurs in women. Incontinence can happen as a result of trauma, surgery, or pelvic floor weakness. There are three forms of urinary incontinence:
-Stress Urinary Incontinence: leaking that occurs during normal activities such as coughing, laughing, sneezing, or exercising. It is common after pregnancy as women goes through Menopause.
-Urge Incontinence: leakage that occurs when the patient has a strong urge to urinate even if the bladder is not full.
-Mixed Incontinence: It is a combination of both stress and urges incontinence.
In order to treat pelvic pain and urinary incontinence, a women's physical therapy in Florida will use the following techniques and procedures:
-Manual therapy techniques to relax muscles and release trigger points
-Therapeutic exercise to address weak pelvic floor muscles
-Biofeedback for relaxation and/or strength training of pelvic floor muscles
3. Obstetrics
Pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood result in significant musculoskeletal changes and new stressors to a woman's body. During pregnancy, women often experience swelling and joint pain due to the changing hormone levels occurring within the body. Many new mothers experience urinary incontinence caused because of the stresses forced upon the pelvic floor during labor and delivery. Musculoskeletal issues can become a severe from the stressors involved with the care of a new child. A physical therapist will help with the following ailments both during and after your pregnancy:
-Pelvic pain
-Neck and low back pain
-Leg and foot pain
-Hand and wrist numbness, swelling, or tenderness
For those with a relatively pain free pregnancy, your physical therapist can also assist with your pregnancy in the following ways:
-Prenatal and postnatal exercise prescription
-Pelvic floor exercises
-Education regarding positioning and body mechanics
Mentioned above is a sampling of the types of conditions treated under Womens Health Physical Therapy. In addition to these conditions such as pediatric bowel and bladder issues can also be treated.
1. Pelvic Pain
Dysfunctions within the muscles of the pelvic region can lead to pain, constipation, urinary incontinence and difficulty with intercourse. Pelvic pain is usually experienced by Women due to result of various disorders such as endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, labor and delivery, and from post-surgical scarring like C-Section or hysterectomy. Some common pelvic pain disorders include Levator Ani Syndrome, Vaginismus, Proctalgia Fugax, Dysparenia, Vulvodynia, Gynecological/oncology issues, and Post-surgical issues.
2. Urinary Incontinence
Urinary incontinence is the involuntary leaking of urine and can occur in both men and women; however it primarily occurs in women. Incontinence can happen as a result of trauma, surgery, or pelvic floor weakness. There are three forms of urinary incontinence:
-Stress Urinary Incontinence: leaking that occurs during normal activities such as coughing, laughing, sneezing, or exercising. It is common after pregnancy as women goes through Menopause.
-Urge Incontinence: leakage that occurs when the patient has a strong urge to urinate even if the bladder is not full.
-Mixed Incontinence: It is a combination of both stress and urges incontinence.
In order to treat pelvic pain and urinary incontinence, a women's physical therapy in Florida will use the following techniques and procedures:
-Manual therapy techniques to relax muscles and release trigger points
-Therapeutic exercise to address weak pelvic floor muscles
-Biofeedback for relaxation and/or strength training of pelvic floor muscles
3. Obstetrics
Pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood result in significant musculoskeletal changes and new stressors to a woman's body. During pregnancy, women often experience swelling and joint pain due to the changing hormone levels occurring within the body. Many new mothers experience urinary incontinence caused because of the stresses forced upon the pelvic floor during labor and delivery. Musculoskeletal issues can become a severe from the stressors involved with the care of a new child. A physical therapist will help with the following ailments both during and after your pregnancy:
-Pelvic pain
-Neck and low back pain
-Leg and foot pain
-Hand and wrist numbness, swelling, or tenderness
For those with a relatively pain free pregnancy, your physical therapist can also assist with your pregnancy in the following ways:
-Prenatal and postnatal exercise prescription
-Pelvic floor exercises
-Education regarding positioning and body mechanics
Mentioned above is a sampling of the types of conditions treated under Womens Health Physical Therapy. In addition to these conditions such as pediatric bowel and bladder issues can also be treated.