- 1). Locate the belt tensioner on the front left-hand side of the engine underneath the alternator. Position a 1-inch drive socket and breaker bar onto the bolt in the middle of the roller pulley attached to the bottom of the tensioner.
- 2). Turn the breaker bar counterclockwise to release tension from the belt. Slide the belt off of the roller pulley. Hang the belt onto the alternator with a bungee cord to prevent the belt from sliding out of the remaining pulleys.
- 3). Locate the mounting bolt at the top center of the tensioner arm. Loosen and remove the bolt by turning it counterclockwise with the ratchet and socket.
- 4). Pull the bolt out and set it aside. Pull the tensioner straight off of the engine block. Mount the new tensioner to the same area of the engine block with the mounting bolt. Tighten the bolt with the ratchet and socket.
- 5). Turn the new tensioner counterclockwise with the socket and breaker bar. Slide the bungee cord off of the belt and slide the belt under the roller pulley attached to the bottom of the new tensioner. Release the tensioner so that the roller pulley can tighten the belt as it retracts against it.
- 6). Pull the breaker bar and socket off of the roller pulley and out of the engine compartment. Make sure that the belt is still secure inside of each pulley.
- 7). Crank the engine of your 1999 Pontiac Sunfire and inspect the new belt tensioner as the belt is traveling under it. Make sure that the tensioner and the roller pulley are moving up and down freely as the belt travels under the roller pulley.