A lot more interesting sequel to "The Immortals of Meluha", which in itself was amazing book.
Amish Tripathi has proven that you need imagination as well as skill to dish out such a wonderful book.
Story begins exactly where the prequel ends, with Shiva having conquered Swadeep, thinking the people of the state are evil only to realise very soon that is not the case.
People of this country are god fearing people, good natured and definitely not evil that he set out to destroy.
Shiva begins his search for evil and realises that it is possible that something good could also turn evil over a period of time or with usage.
There have been many attempts by a Naga known as Lord of the People, to kidnap Sati.
Shiva is searching for this same Naga, as he is the one responsible for his friend Brahsapati's death.
Sati gives birth to Karthik, Shiva's son and apple of their eye and then Shiva decides to leave them both behind to go search for Nagas with the help of some plague hit state who take help and medicines from Nagas.
Meanwhile, Sati discovers that her first son was not a still born but is still alive, her Ganesh is very much alive and has grown up.
Ganesh saves Sati and Karthik's life from a tiger attack.
But Shiva asks Sati to choose whether she wants to be with him or her first son! Why? What is the secret behind Ganesh? Why was Sati not told about his existence? A lot more secrets are unveiled as the story progresses and at one point as a reader you are so intrigued that you feel exactly how Shiva is feeling, whom will he trust or rather whom can he really trust? The story is beautifully written and never once loses the main plot, there are lot of things going on, and a lot of action, wars that are fought.
People love, betray, manipulate and try to avenge.
But Shiva has to keep calm because he could destroy the earth if he really gets angry.
He is the legend, he is the god, but he is being led to believe something that is not entirely true, will he trust his wife? Will he follow his instinct and find the evil? How will he know its evil when he comes face to face with it? And then there is the big secret held by Nagas, his swore enemies that he has to uncover? Are Nagas actually evil and his enemies? This one is a must read book for any fiction, fantasy lover and especially if you believe in the God or legend of Shiva, the Indian deity, the Destroyer of Evil.
A book which will keep you at the edge of your seat and wondering all the while, what will happen next.
Definitely worth a read!
Amish Tripathi has proven that you need imagination as well as skill to dish out such a wonderful book.
Story begins exactly where the prequel ends, with Shiva having conquered Swadeep, thinking the people of the state are evil only to realise very soon that is not the case.
People of this country are god fearing people, good natured and definitely not evil that he set out to destroy.
Shiva begins his search for evil and realises that it is possible that something good could also turn evil over a period of time or with usage.
There have been many attempts by a Naga known as Lord of the People, to kidnap Sati.
Shiva is searching for this same Naga, as he is the one responsible for his friend Brahsapati's death.
Sati gives birth to Karthik, Shiva's son and apple of their eye and then Shiva decides to leave them both behind to go search for Nagas with the help of some plague hit state who take help and medicines from Nagas.
Meanwhile, Sati discovers that her first son was not a still born but is still alive, her Ganesh is very much alive and has grown up.
Ganesh saves Sati and Karthik's life from a tiger attack.
But Shiva asks Sati to choose whether she wants to be with him or her first son! Why? What is the secret behind Ganesh? Why was Sati not told about his existence? A lot more secrets are unveiled as the story progresses and at one point as a reader you are so intrigued that you feel exactly how Shiva is feeling, whom will he trust or rather whom can he really trust? The story is beautifully written and never once loses the main plot, there are lot of things going on, and a lot of action, wars that are fought.
People love, betray, manipulate and try to avenge.
But Shiva has to keep calm because he could destroy the earth if he really gets angry.
He is the legend, he is the god, but he is being led to believe something that is not entirely true, will he trust his wife? Will he follow his instinct and find the evil? How will he know its evil when he comes face to face with it? And then there is the big secret held by Nagas, his swore enemies that he has to uncover? Are Nagas actually evil and his enemies? This one is a must read book for any fiction, fantasy lover and especially if you believe in the God or legend of Shiva, the Indian deity, the Destroyer of Evil.
A book which will keep you at the edge of your seat and wondering all the while, what will happen next.
Definitely worth a read!