Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

An Unstoppable Force: Daring to Become the Church God Had in Mind - Book Review

In Erwin's words, Mosaic represents the nations with over fifty different nationalities.
Mosaic includes over one hundred actors, including dancers, set designers, producers, directors, and writers, which are gathering together to produce a theatrical production in the city of Los Angeles to touch thousands of people.
McManus's book promotes change to adapt to the surrounding culture to reach a people for Christ; it is a wakeup call for the church to awaken to the present reality, to reach the masses, using every available tool (including arts) and God-given-gifts for His glory.
He believes change is an ever-present reality among God's creatures and as such adaptation must takes place in order to survive.
The church is influenced by the world around her as well as called to influence the world in which she exists.
There are churches that were once over a thousand in attendance but have ceased to exist; something must be done, and techniques have to change to keep it existence.
The churches that are trying to preserve themselves have wasted themselves, McManus believes that "Our future is not to be found in our preservation but in our investment" (p.
He illustrate his theory with the example of the salmon, that in order to reproduce itself bringing a new generation risk everything even to the peril of its own existence.
Churches are suffering from paralysis and only Jesus can get them up and moving.
They are fighting to survive but unless they start serving the community and understand the reason for their existence they will die trying to survive.
The church is not what it once was; it has forgotten the Great Commission to preach the Gospel to a dying world.
A report shows that nearly five hundred churches in Texas closed their doors in a period of one year for lack of finance and people.
Pastor McManus believes that "The church must raise her sails and move with the Spirit if we are not to be left behind" (p.
The churches need to be aware that the world around them has change; their eyes need to be open to the present reality.
The culture of the church today is not the same from decades ago; there is an increase of immigration all around the states, and also an explosion on population with over 6.
2 billion people in the world.
There is also what McManus called the world of the maybe or hyper-modernism; it is not just the objective but the subjective maybe; it is the world of uncertainty and of the insecure.
It is a world where people are comfortable varying from worldview to another.
There need to be a change of mind in the theology of change, the scriptures presents a changing world, God is not opposed to change; although He is was the same today, tomorrow and forever.
McManus explained that While not many churches perform their services in Latin today, our language, style, music, and methods are pretty much Latin to the un-churched world.
The Word of God was given to a people who are in need of change; it is to make them move forward in the plan of redemption.
Wherever God moves there is change, a change for the best of everything that He comes in contact with.
Pastor McManus believes that leading a church is a work of art with the intention of showing the beauty of the Lord.
Every detail needs to be chosen carefully and purposefully in order to illustrate the character of God.
There are three textures that the pastor follows in order to be shape like the apostolic ethos; these are faith, hope, and love.
Pastor MacManus has incorporated these three spiritual textures in his Mosaic church as the basic formula for their mission.
The bible is full of illustration that came be accommodate in work of arts in the church some of them are water, wind, fire, and others.
They believe (at Mosaic) that creativity is the natural result of spirituality.
McManus encouraged the church to become a center of learning and development for the nations.
He hopes that the church came become the place where the great artist of this post-modern world can paint their first strokes and great musician sing their first notes.
He imagines the church as a place where the great thinkers, scholars, and writers can surface, where doctors, poets, film directors and dancers can grow with the knowledge that their talents are gifts from God.
The author's intended purpose was to open the church's mind to an understanding of the time on which it exists, and to help her to be successful in the Great Commission.
McManus's book is clear and concise it does two things for the reader; it either makes him a believer to embrace his theory or it makes him doubt his worldview.
The author is clear in his worldview and theology, neither theology nor God need to change, but the methods employed by the church to reach out to the post-modern and hyper-rmodernism must change in order to be effective.
His themes are very convincing and well-proven with scriptures, story and anecdote.
It is hard to read his book without noticing the power of the Spirit in McManus's words, it is difficult to argue or believe that God is not involved in his ministry.
McManus approach the subject with the reality that we are living in a changing world, everything around us is changing, and the church must change its approach to evangelism in order to be effective in this post-modern world.
He shows how the church has missed the mark, and how to get back to its original apostolic purpose, and intention for their own salvation and of the world.
In order to be successful the motivation should not be looking for the approval of men, but the recognition of a work that is approved of God.
MacManus emphasize the needs for spiritual reformation in the church in order to become tools in the hand of a God who is shaping the world into His likeness.
In order for that to happen the church needs to embrace new visions, the reason why some churches has not problem is because they have too little vision.
The leader needs to be able to recognize and identify the problem and ask God, the wisdom to deal with it.
McManus explains that "prophetic leaderships understand that problems are road guides on the journey to spiritual health and life" (p.
His book concludes with a quote: Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the men of old; seek what they sought.
" -Basho (p.
By this McManus is implying that, there is more than one way to get things done, how the disciples got the job done in the first century cannot be the way to get things done in the twenty-first century, it is a different time with different people, culture, and way of thinking.
It is obvious that today church needs to seek the lost; it is not how the disciples did it, but the result of what they did is what valuable, men and women who heard, understood and obey the gospel.
McManus understand that this world is a changing world and as such need different methods than the one used in the past.
He does not believe that God is a changing God, He is the same today, tomorrow, and forever; yet, McManus explains that we are a changing people and although God does not need to change, he is in the business of changing people and everything He touch.
McManus is a man with a vision for the church; he is an expert in the area of leadership and a very creative pastor, with a passion for what he does.
His vision for the church is one of grandeur; he wants the church of God to be the head of society and not the tail.
He believes the future of everything that is good and noble lies in the church and its responsibility to the Great Commission.
MacManus is very optimistic in his approach and artistic vision; he is deep in his thought and with the wisdom of a modern-day cultural apologist, he defends his cause.
He clearly wants the church to be open-minded to the reality of the time upon it lives.
He believes there is no turning back, there is only hope in the church as men and women of God recognized that this is changing world in need of new methods to approach to evangelism.
McManus's book is well written, very poetic, and profound in thought.
It helps bring clarity to some of the issues that have been in the valley of the indecision of the church for a long time.
He brings good ideas for the starting up of a new ministry, with a different perspective than the classical church approach to evangelism and church planting.
McManus's helped me understand a new approach to evangelism and church planting.
His use of the arts and illustration are very valuable in reaching the post-modern and others at least in the effort of bringing them to church.
It is not guarantee that those who step in will be converted, but one thing is guarantee the gospel has been spreading and the second coming of Christ is getting nearer.
McManus, Erwin Raphael.
An Unstoppable Force: Daring to Become the Church God Had in Mind.
Orange, California: Yates & Yates, 2001.
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