Eczema is a skin disease that often runs in families. It is generally caused by stress and contact with certain chemicals or allergens. The word "nummular" is taken from the Latin word nummus, which means a small coin. Numular eczema is in the form of coin shaped patches.
Men are the people who contract nummular eczema the most, with the first outbreak occurring when they are in their mid fifties to mid sixties in age. The second most active age period of people suffering with nummular eczema are fifteen to twenty five years of age.
In this category women are the ones suffering from this type of eczema the most. This form of eczema hardly bothers with children, and for every 1000 people in the United States, only two will be affected by this illness.
In cases where nummular eczema is not well treated, then one may risk developing secondary infections of the skin. The goal of treatment for eczema is to relieve and prevent itching, whichcan lead to infection.
Trigger Factors For Nummular Eczema
Avoid triggers that can make your symptoms worse, such as wool, lanolin, and certain foods. Trigger factors for atopic eczema may include soap, harsh chemicals, heat and humidity, stress, certain foods (the most common offenders include eggs, milk, wheat, soy protein,and peanuts).
Nowadays, it is possible to obtain a food allergy, skin prick test, where certain foods are placed on the skin in a controlled, clinical environment. Nummunal Eczema may also be due to other causes such as: an allergic reaction to the excrement from house dust mites, allergy to foodstuffs including :
Dairy products,
soybean products,
wheat and maize.
A good idea is to start with a very plain and limited diet and gradually introduce new foods. Once you have discovered foods that bring on eczema, you should eliminate them from your diet.
Avoid triggers that can make your symptoms worse, such as wool, lanolin, and certain foods. Trigger factors for atopic eczema may include soap, harsh chemicals, heat and humidity, stress,certain foods (the most common offenders include eggs, milk, wheat, soy protein,and peanuts).
To be sure, you should start shifting gears such from fatty foods into healthy vegetables. Certain foods such as eggs, peanut butter, fish and eggs are known to trigger off numunal eczema in children. Vitamin C rich foods can help with skin regeneration, these include fruit and vegetables. Additives in food can, in some cases, severely irritate the skin, these include processed foods with coloring and preservatives.
Alternative Treatment
The treatment of nummular eczema will target the need for immediate relief from the symptoms. Frequently your doctor will prescribe topical ointments or creams containing steroids, which are usually very effective.
Nummular Eczema patients can be treated, but medical treatments often dont help a pain which is more than skin deep. Alternative medicines have done more for the numular eczema suffer then doctors and drug companies. It is widely agreed upon that the bodys immune system is not strong enough, or has been altered to combat allergens Incorporating fatty 3 acids, and herbal tonics has cleared up many forms of eczema.
You will also want to use a rich moisturizing lotion or cream to keep your skin hydrated, and make sure the soap you use is mild and fragrance free. The application of a wet dressing can sometimes give you some relief.
It's good to wear cotton clothing and avoid wool while you are sorting things out. Some people react to latex so be aware of your gloves. A mild soap like dove for sensitive skin works well as it contains no perfumes. For bathing use oatmeal baths rather than commercial bath soaks. Check your detergent to be sure it is dye free.
Men are the people who contract nummular eczema the most, with the first outbreak occurring when they are in their mid fifties to mid sixties in age. The second most active age period of people suffering with nummular eczema are fifteen to twenty five years of age.
In this category women are the ones suffering from this type of eczema the most. This form of eczema hardly bothers with children, and for every 1000 people in the United States, only two will be affected by this illness.
In cases where nummular eczema is not well treated, then one may risk developing secondary infections of the skin. The goal of treatment for eczema is to relieve and prevent itching, whichcan lead to infection.
Trigger Factors For Nummular Eczema
Avoid triggers that can make your symptoms worse, such as wool, lanolin, and certain foods. Trigger factors for atopic eczema may include soap, harsh chemicals, heat and humidity, stress, certain foods (the most common offenders include eggs, milk, wheat, soy protein,and peanuts).
Nowadays, it is possible to obtain a food allergy, skin prick test, where certain foods are placed on the skin in a controlled, clinical environment. Nummunal Eczema may also be due to other causes such as: an allergic reaction to the excrement from house dust mites, allergy to foodstuffs including :
Dairy products,
soybean products,
wheat and maize.
A good idea is to start with a very plain and limited diet and gradually introduce new foods. Once you have discovered foods that bring on eczema, you should eliminate them from your diet.
Avoid triggers that can make your symptoms worse, such as wool, lanolin, and certain foods. Trigger factors for atopic eczema may include soap, harsh chemicals, heat and humidity, stress,certain foods (the most common offenders include eggs, milk, wheat, soy protein,and peanuts).
To be sure, you should start shifting gears such from fatty foods into healthy vegetables. Certain foods such as eggs, peanut butter, fish and eggs are known to trigger off numunal eczema in children. Vitamin C rich foods can help with skin regeneration, these include fruit and vegetables. Additives in food can, in some cases, severely irritate the skin, these include processed foods with coloring and preservatives.
Alternative Treatment
The treatment of nummular eczema will target the need for immediate relief from the symptoms. Frequently your doctor will prescribe topical ointments or creams containing steroids, which are usually very effective.
Nummular Eczema patients can be treated, but medical treatments often dont help a pain which is more than skin deep. Alternative medicines have done more for the numular eczema suffer then doctors and drug companies. It is widely agreed upon that the bodys immune system is not strong enough, or has been altered to combat allergens Incorporating fatty 3 acids, and herbal tonics has cleared up many forms of eczema.
You will also want to use a rich moisturizing lotion or cream to keep your skin hydrated, and make sure the soap you use is mild and fragrance free. The application of a wet dressing can sometimes give you some relief.
It's good to wear cotton clothing and avoid wool while you are sorting things out. Some people react to latex so be aware of your gloves. A mild soap like dove for sensitive skin works well as it contains no perfumes. For bathing use oatmeal baths rather than commercial bath soaks. Check your detergent to be sure it is dye free.