Your network marketing business will thrive through building and servicing your prospect and customer base, but it will become a multi-million dollar operation only through recruiting people into your downline and training them in turn to build and service customers and to recruit and train new people to do the same.
The sooner you start duplicating yourself, and getting the people you recruit to do likewise, the sooner you'll start seeing impressive bonus checks.
Don't wait until you think you know the business before you start sharing the opportunity.
Many successes come when a new person brings a friend along from the start.
yo learn and earn together, have fun and grow together.
Don't be too concerned about being a student and a teacher at the same time.
That's the way life is! The best teachers are constantly learning while sharing their experiences with others.
Start your business by creating a list of names to call and then start calling.
How do you build a list of names? How many friends do you have? Close friends,say 5-10.
How many people do you know? Immediate family, say 10.
Partner's family, say another 10.
Relatives, 15, maybe 20.
Other people you know, say 25.
So, you probably know upwards of 75 people right? Let's throw in a few more to be optimistic, round up the figures and say you know 100 people.
Now we're in business,right? Wrong! I have never done the final count of the number of people I know, but some experts say that if we're over the age of 21 we'll know 700 people.
Others claim that if we're over the age of 25 we probably know up to 2000 people, by name.
The point is, you know hundreds and hundreds of people! These people, people you already know will form the basis of your prospecting list.
They are your warm list, because you know them and they know you.
Start writing their names down.
You need a memory trigger to find all those names in your head.
I have found this one works like magic.
Imagine you have just won $10 million in the lottery.
You decide you'll spend some of your winnings on a party to celebrate your good fortune.
The best party you could ever dream of.
It's going to be a totally fantastic event.
There has never been a party like this.
Fabulous food, champagne, entertainment, fun and celebration.
It's very easy to afford this party in your imagination.
You want to share the excitement with everyone you've ever met, You want everyone there.
Old school friends.
People with whom you used to work.
People you have met through clubs, organization, and church groups.
Your hairdresser, your dentist and the friendly nurse at the doctor's office.
Start writing their names down.
Don't worry where they live.
With your lottery winnings you can afford to fly them in from anywhere.
Start looking for those old address books.
Start searching out old class photos and school yearbooks.
Club membership list.
Business cards you threw in a drawer and forget about.
Your email lists and your mobile phone lists.
Brainstorm with your family.
Tell yourself you know 100 people.
You just need help remembering all their names.
You thought you hardly knew anyone, but you will be way past 100 before you start to get serious!
The sooner you start duplicating yourself, and getting the people you recruit to do likewise, the sooner you'll start seeing impressive bonus checks.
Don't wait until you think you know the business before you start sharing the opportunity.
Many successes come when a new person brings a friend along from the start.
yo learn and earn together, have fun and grow together.
Don't be too concerned about being a student and a teacher at the same time.
That's the way life is! The best teachers are constantly learning while sharing their experiences with others.
Start your business by creating a list of names to call and then start calling.
How do you build a list of names? How many friends do you have? Close friends,say 5-10.
How many people do you know? Immediate family, say 10.
Partner's family, say another 10.
Relatives, 15, maybe 20.
Other people you know, say 25.
So, you probably know upwards of 75 people right? Let's throw in a few more to be optimistic, round up the figures and say you know 100 people.
Now we're in business,right? Wrong! I have never done the final count of the number of people I know, but some experts say that if we're over the age of 21 we'll know 700 people.
Others claim that if we're over the age of 25 we probably know up to 2000 people, by name.
The point is, you know hundreds and hundreds of people! These people, people you already know will form the basis of your prospecting list.
They are your warm list, because you know them and they know you.
Start writing their names down.
You need a memory trigger to find all those names in your head.
I have found this one works like magic.
Imagine you have just won $10 million in the lottery.
You decide you'll spend some of your winnings on a party to celebrate your good fortune.
The best party you could ever dream of.
It's going to be a totally fantastic event.
There has never been a party like this.
Fabulous food, champagne, entertainment, fun and celebration.
It's very easy to afford this party in your imagination.
You want to share the excitement with everyone you've ever met, You want everyone there.
Old school friends.
People with whom you used to work.
People you have met through clubs, organization, and church groups.
Your hairdresser, your dentist and the friendly nurse at the doctor's office.
Start writing their names down.
Don't worry where they live.
With your lottery winnings you can afford to fly them in from anywhere.
Start looking for those old address books.
Start searching out old class photos and school yearbooks.
Club membership list.
Business cards you threw in a drawer and forget about.
Your email lists and your mobile phone lists.
Brainstorm with your family.
Tell yourself you know 100 people.
You just need help remembering all their names.
You thought you hardly knew anyone, but you will be way past 100 before you start to get serious!